Monday, August 1, 2011

Fort Making! BEDA: Day One

Some of you may be asking yourselves, "Self, where do you think that Kendall is blogging from right now?" and to be honest, I have to ask myself that question too. Some might think that I'm in my room, correct. Am I on my bed or at my desk, no and no. Well, am I on the ground then? Yes. But to be a tad bit more specific, I am in a fort. A what? A fort. Yup, a mini castle made up of sheets, pillows, books, and awesome. (Before I tell you about it, I have to go deassemble the aforementioned fort because my puppy decided that she wanted to attack it, but don't worry, I got pictures before hand.)

Okay, it's a few hours later, but I am back. Want to see some pictures of my masterpiece? Me too. Here, look:

I hope that it looks as awesome as it truly was. Making forts was one of my favorite things to do as a kid. It would just become an awesome day, whenever we would scour the house for sheets and pillows. It was always challenging, to make a perfect fort, but I would accept that challenge. Now, I'm a little rusty, so this one wasn't as good as it could have been, but it was fun nonetheless. 

Now wait, why did I even go through all the trouble of making the world's coolest fort? Oh yeah, because it's BEDA W00TTTTTT!!! Yup, you heard me, our third di-annual Blog Every Day in a month that starts with the letter A (in this case August). You lucky readers get to hear Jen and I rant about...whatever it is that we rant about, everyday this month. Are you ready? Because I am. And now I must extend a challenge out to Jen. It seems as if our lovely blog companion, Jen, has never successfully completed a BEDA to date. During the first one last August, she missed a day, and had many days that were as short as a book for a two day old (short). And in this past April, Jen missed TWO whole days. WHAT??? Unacceptable. I encourage you all to encourage Jen, to finally accomplish this amazing task of blogging every, single, day. 

There are a few other things that I COULD talk about, but I figure that I should save those for the next few days. Some exciting things are happening this month, I hope to see you there. 

Awkward Moments: 0  
Books Read: 14
Why Today Was Awesome: FORT!
Something I Learned:  Shake-A-Booty
Song Stuck in My Head: "Shake-A-Booty" by Hank Green

1 comment:

  1. You. Are. AWESOME. Like. The. Awesome. That. I. Would. Love. To. Be. But. Never. Can. Be.
