Sunday, August 7, 2011

Miracle Day

So I finally remembered how hard this is, to blog every single day. I have been sitting here for the past ten minutes, trying to come up with something to talk about, but I finally settled on something. Torchwood: Miracle Day. If you really don't care about those three words that I just said, please feel free to skip over this entire post. Although, it will be a party!

So Torchwood, for those of you who don't know, is a Doctor Who spin-off show, but it's more aimed towards adults. Example: the second episode of the entire series was about a sex monster. So right now, the fourth season is airing on Starz as a little mini-series thing. I kind of missed the first two episodes, but I saw the past three, and I must say, I'm really enjoying it. Now, I've only watched like four episodes of the original Torchwood, so I don't really know what it was like. But I can tell that this season has an entirely different feel. I guess that's partially since there are only three of the original actors, but still, it's different. 

I am liking the story, of how now no one in the world can die. It's really interesting to see how the human race would react to something like this. Character wise, I love Jack like I always have, and Gwen is pretty badass. I actually really like Esther, I think the actress does a really good job. But I want to kill Rex. I kind of hate him. Why can't he just die? Oh yeah, no one can... I want to throw Oswald Danes down a deep dark hole and make sure that he never comes back because I hate him so much. Yeah. I hate him.

Overall, I think it is a good show. I was surprised by episode five's (The Categories of Life) ending. Okay, I was kind of freaking out, but I usually freak out over TV shows. If I do, that means they are good. 

Awkward Moments: 4
Books Read: 14 (I need to step it up) 
Why Today Was Awesome: New Slippers (I've had my old ones for 4 years) 
Something I Learned: Hungry Puppy is Hungry
Song Stuck in My Head: 
"Want You Back" by The Jackson 5



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