Saturday, August 20, 2011

This Sucks!

The worst part about this summer is the fact that I had a growing list of things that I needed to do and now that summer is over, that list is just continuing to grow. 

First of all, I need to finish my summer reading book, which I vow to do before I go to sleep tonight. I also plan to get as little sleep as possible tonight, so tomorrow night, I can fall asleep easily because otherwise, I wouldn't get to sleep until 2. 

Today I went shopping for new school clothes with my mom. Now, shopping with my mom is always a challenge because we have to completely different senses of style. For example, she would pick up a shirt, offer it to me and I would tell her that I already have a shirt exactly like it. 

While I am glad to be going into our senior year, I am a little sad at the end of summer and a disappointed that I didn't get to do everything I needed to do. And while I should be scared for becoming a senior and growing up in general, I'm really not. I am pumped and ready to end my high school career off well. 

Jen has some exciting phone news, but the most exciting of which is that she can text now, just in time for senior year. It will be really helpful whenever I need to contact her, when she isn't near a computer and it's too awkward to call. Pretty much the story of my life. 

Last night, I watched Torchwood Miracle Day and there are only 3 episodes left. I must say that this episode was the best yet. Even though I still haven't seen about half of all of Torchwood, this episode FELT like Torchwood and I really really enjoyed it. Also, Doctor Who comes back this week and I am so excited. You don't even know. 

Okay, I need to go finish my summer reading. Kay bye!

Awkward Moments: 17 (I'm only counting calling people as one, but it should count for a million) 
Books Read: 15 (ALMOST!!!!)
Why Today Was Awesome: New Clothes
Something I Learned: Psh, learning. 
Song Stuck in My Head: "Raise Your Glass" by Pink


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