Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Something that really made my day today, and probably a lot of other people's days too, was that the class officers for our grade made each and every person a little "award" that had a nice note about them. I thought that this was amazing for many different reasons. 

The first of which being that what they said about me was extremely nice and it made me feel really good that someone thought of me like that (or at least I hope that they do). I tend to think that everyone I don't know in our grade or in our school hates me. I don't know why, I just kind of assume that they do since I don't know them. (Also, I'm sure the people who I do know feel the same way, I just don't really care since I know them.) It was nice to see that someone didn't hate me. 

Secondly, that must have taken a lot of freaking work. There are over 200 people in our class, and our four class officers managed to write a personalized little paragraph to each and every one of them? Amazing. This is the type of thing that I want to be doing with my committee with Jen, Spirt: Small Things. Although not necessarily on this scale, I want to reach out to as many people as we can in the most meaningful way possible. 

Thirdly, it made me smile. 

Anyways, there are Dashes and Lilys to be read (I feel like I said that yesterday...) and I still need to get some work done, I just felt like blogging now. 

Awkward Moments: 19
Books Read: 16 
Why Today Was Awesome: Getting that amazing "award" in homeroom
Something I Learned: I learned too much to single out one thing
Song Stuck in My Head: I don't know what it's called, but it is a "Cab" song


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