Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hey Soul Sisters [and Brothers, too]!

Hola y'all...

FOURTH DAY! And it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...haha. No, I'm kidding, it's beginning to settle in--the year and seniority and all that.

Kendall and I are working on a project for Spirit: Smalls right now, but maybe I should hold off on telling you about it because 1) we don't want any leaks (not that YOU would tell anyone, really, right?) and 2) I want to wait and see what their reactions will be. 

Homework is still homework. It never changes...

I'm in the SAO right now because I have a free. Why do I suddenly have a free for period 8? Well, our group did our biology lab in the morning so that we would have frees instead of class today. And I guess I'll talk about that--working in groups.

I've worked in a lot of groups, and I usually pride myself in being able to work with a lot of different people. But sometimes, things don't work out so well. I've been in groups where only one person would be working and I've also been in groups where everyone just worked so well together. 

Every time I work in a group, I always have this picture of a perfect group in my head. Well, when I was in 8th grade, I was the captain of one of our school's Lego League team (it's a robotics thing) and I was lucky enough to have such hardworking team members. We didn't start off so well, though; not everyone liked each other much, and we had problems communicating. But we eventually worked out the kinks and one of our mantras throughout the season was "SNAPPY, SNAPPY, SNAPPY!" We believed that, in order to succeed and reach our goals, we had to work hard, communicate and mesh so well that everything we did should happen "like a snap, in a snap"--clean, quick, clear and efficient. We applied it to everything we did and we ended up having the best year of our lives working together. We were pretty much a family by the end of it all that it didn't really matter that we didn't make it past the State level. The picture in my head? It's a snapshot of what we did after we found out we were not advancing to the next competition: all of us, sitting on a blue tarp, surrounded by other teams in McKinley's cafeteria, munching on pretzels and raisins, talking and laughing at each other.

At the same time, however, I don't think that you need many people in a group in order to demonstrate awesome teamwork. I think Kendall and I have pretty good teamwork in everything we do. We know our strengths, our weaknesses, our limits and abilities--and how to work with what we're given. We compromise sometimes, we try to understand each other, we communicate, and most importantly, we are both willing to work hard to reach the same goal.

What else do you really need?

Our bio lab group, though big (I think there were six of us), I think, worked so well together this morning. We made a mistake in the beginning but we caught it and didn't let it faze us--we just kept on working. "Snappy, snappy, snappy!" 

I really loved....working on the bio lab with our Mafia.
I smiled felt good working hard to make others smile. We'll see what happens tomorrow...!
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"I was so young, you should have known better than to lean on me..." (I know this is by Kelly Clarkson, but I don't know what it's cal--OH! BECAUSE OF YOU!)
Hours of sleep last night: 6
Hugs: 4


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