Saturday, August 13, 2011

So Unoriginal (Oh and also, MY HAIR IS GONE!!!!)

My day went like this:
1. Overslept
2. Woke up and freaked out because I overslept
3. Got ready super quickly
4. Went to my hair appointment and got there, like, ten minutes late
5. Got my hair done
6. Went to photo studio for my senior yearbook photos
7. Drove back to get my hair chopped off
8. Went home to Crime and Punishment


Yes, um, because I don't have anything else to say and because I'm trying to get back to Crime and Punishment, here is a Pottermore survey that I SHHtole from Kristina that she SHHTole from Hayley:

  1. What's your Pottermore username? MirrorNox116 (Although, I'm still a bit bitter that my first one, CrimsonDust67, didn't go through.)
  2. What House do you think it sounds like? It sounds like it's from Slytherin because Nox makes me think of darkness. But it also reminds me of that scene in PoA where Harry sees Peter Pettigrew's name on the Map and he goes out to look for him. Harry gets spooked by a mirror there, too.
  3. What House do you want to be in? I would be perfectly happy being Sorted into any House. Well, actually, I know, I know, we shouldn't be mean to Hufflepuffs considering that Cedric Diggory and Tonks were Hufflepuffs (they make good FINDERS!), but I probably wouldn't be as enthusiastic if were put into Hufflepuff as I would be if I were Sorted in Gryffindor, Slytherin or Ravenclaw. I don't think that I am a Gryffindor. I definitely feel like I'm a Revenclaw because I'm a nerd and I eat books and "when I cast spells, they're off the frickin' hook" but at the same time, there's this part of me that really feels that I should be in Slytherin. So I would probably end up being the Ravenclaw girl who is a wannabe Slytherin (or the Ravenclaw girl who ends up dating a Slytherin guy, I don't know). I'm really excited and super nervous for the Sorting--which is amazing because it really feels like we're first years!
  4. Does your username relate to you at all? I don't think so. Mirror Nox was the shortest out of all the usernames I was given. But I chose it because it had a spell (Nox) and I always thought that being able to cast spells is the quintessential mark of being magical. As for the Mirror, no, I don't like looking at myself in the mirror.
  5. What kind of wand would you wish to get? I don't have a preference. I'm sure that it'll be awesome no matter what and I'm really interested in how they come up with the wizard-wand pairings for this one. Josh told me that JK designed millions of individual wands just for Pottermore. I do feel like the core of my wand would either be unicorn hair or dragon heartstring though. Oh, and I don't like the short and stumpy wands (like Umbridge's).
  6. Are you pure, half-blooded or Muggle born? Does it matter? I don't think it does. But I feel like I would be a Muggle born.
  7. Which day did you get into Pottermore? Day 1. Because, even if I was distracted, I have an awesome best friend. 
  8. What shape is your Patronus? I have no idea. Will we find out once we get in? Okay, I'm excited. I never really know the answer to questions like these, ones that ask me to pick animals....
  9. What does your boggart look like? Lots of possibilities: a floating fetus, my brother dead, being alone.
  10. Would you rather be an Animagus or a Matamorphmagus? Metamorphmagus.
  11. If you were an Animagus, what animal would you be? Again, I have no idea! What animal do I seem like? Anybody have that answer?
I really hair?
I smiled...because of the survey.
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"And there's one place I'd much rather be, taking Transfiguration and Arithmency..."
(This Isn't Hogwarts by Hank Green)
Hours of sleep last night: 8.5
Hugs!: 3


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