Friday, August 19, 2011

Manzanas a Manzanas


Jen's Slytherin post is so intense. I agree with her on the stuff with making Pottermore better. I liked the videos a lot too. Like, a lot. A lot.

I have found a new love. APPLES to FREAKING APPLES!!!! For those of you who haven't played it before or never even heard of it before, Apples to Apples is a kind of ish card game. There are two kinds of cards, the red cards and the green cards. Everyone starts off with 7 red cards. One person is designated as the "Judge" for that round, and they pick a green card from the stack. The green card will say an adjective like "funny" or "pretty" or "strange" and so on.... Then, everyone else looks at their red cards and finds the thing that is best described by the green card. So for example, if the green card was "casual" I would play a red card like "Going to the bathroom" or "breakfast". Now this is where the fun comes, instead of putting a red card that actually makes sense, most people put something funny. So for example, for "casual" someone would put the card "Center of the sun". Yeah, no big deal, I go to the center of the sun everyday. The judge then decides which red card he/she likes the best and whoever put down that red card gets the green card and the green cards are like points. 

Yeah, so you can see how this game can be fun. It's a party, not gonna lie. It's a really fun game to get to know people who you may not be too close to. If you have the chance to play it, do it, it's a party.

Awkward Moments: 16
Books Read: 15 
Why Today Was Awesome: Apples to Apples
Something I Learned: Who Grace Kelly is.
Song Stuck in My Head: "It Wasn't Me" by Shaggy...........


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