Wednesday, August 31, 2011

BEDA, I'll Miss You!

Here comes another end to another BEDA. After doing it for a third time, I must say that it is always a fun and good experience and I can't wait to do it again in the future. When I try to look back on this month of BEDA and talk about how it all went by so fast, it really didn't. The beginning of this month seemed like ages ago. That might be because so much has happened since then, I mean, it seems like it's been a month since school started. 

Overall though, this month has been a good one. I started my senior year of high school, that in itself is enough for a crazy month, but there were still some crazy shenanigans that ensued throughout the rest of it. I know that coming into this BEDA I had trouble keeping up with blogging everyday, I was so out of it. I think something similar is gonna happen now, I am gonna want to blog everyday, but no! Every week from now on (and whenever else I feel so inclined to do so.) By the way, weeks start on Monday and end on Sunday. This week is already completed!

Jen, good job!!! This is the first time EVER that you 100% completed a BEDA, and on two separate blogs nonetheless! (I'm not counting your little flub the other day.) 

That reminds me, I have been thinking about NaNoWriMo for this year. I know that I really wanted to do it again and actually try to win, but I don't think that that is going to be possible, therefore, I came up with a compromise. I am going to finish my original NaNo novel that month, instead of starting a brand new one. I think it's a good idea, right? 

Today, I finally got a legit calculator because I only have a wimpy baby one. I'm so excited. I'm having A LOT of fun with it. I know that I am overusing the phrase, but in this case it actually fits, using that calculator is a party. 

Although I hate to say it, I think that it's time to say goodbye. I may have started the month off with a fort, but I don't think that I'll be able to go out the same way, unfortunately. Although, it won't be goodbye, not really. 

Awkward Moments: 23
Books Read: 17
Why Today Was Awesome: CALCULATOR!!!
Something I Learned: That I want to but myself a Pandeeb one day 
Song Stuck in My Head: "Wizard Love" by Luke and Whitney 


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