Monday, August 22, 2011

Time for a Party

Right now, I am in I-Lab, sitting right next to Jen. She is currently gossiping about life and such to her sister, Shayne. Hi Shayne!!! I know that you are being creepy and stuff and reading these.

So the first day was actually really good. We may not have gotten prime benches, but still, it's okay, it will still be an awesome senior year. I like my classes. I actually have a lot of really cool teachers. It's gonna be a good year, I hope. 

I don't really have too much homework too. This year, I think that there is gonna be a lot more reading, and I really really want to be on top of it. Especially since I never usually read when I should. 

Jen just said "What am I doing here?" What are any of us doing here man...?

Okay, I think that it's time to go. I hope that this short post was enough to capture the essence of my first day of senior year. Even though I bet it's not. BYE!

Awkward Moments: 18 (Psh, first days aren't awkward...)
Books Read: 16 
Why Today Was Awesome: First day of School!!!!
Something I Learned: I guess I learned stuff at school. 
Song Stuck in My Head: "Ready for Anything" by Skyway Flyer


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