Thursday, August 25, 2011

Best Friends for the Rest of Their Lives

Okay, I apologize in advance that this is gonna be a short one. I am actually really busy because I haven't been able to start on my homework in the longest time. So in lieu of my lameness, I am going to share with you four very depressing lines of poetry in Blank Verse:

My guilt exceeds that of your faith in me.
After the act in which I did to you,
I hope that things can still return to Us.
If not, then I hope you remain content.
For you deserve to have much more than me. 


Ummm here's one more for funsies:

While at the Zoo the lions got out. Run!


Awkward Moments: 20
Books Read: 16 
Why Today Was Awesome: Toy Story/Phineous (SP, I know) and Ferb Band-Aids
Something I Learned: The lady next door is Preggers INTERROBANG
Song Stuck in My Head: "Endless Roads" by Skyward Flyer


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