Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A Nasty Storm's a Brewin' Like Coffee

DEBA, I mean BEDA Day 3.

I'm a nerd and I love reading and going to school, but reading stuff for school sucks. It's not even the books themselves that suck so much (C&P isn't bad); it's just the fact that I'm being forced to read something for the sole purpose of school. I like to read stuff when, where and however I want to, man. I'm like that about a lot of things. Especially in the summer time, I'm always like, "I AM STUCK INSIDE THIS HOUSE AND I HAVE NOTHING TO DO." Of course, there's tons of stuff to do but it's just that I either don't want to do them or there's no pressing deadline or outside force (like, teachers and grades and expectations and what not) that forces me to do them. That's why I bake and eat a lot in the summer. And get fat. Ugh.

Anyway, the kinda-good thing about summer time and being bored is I get really spontaneous, which is different from during-the-school-year-Jen because that Jen is so caught up in everything and is so tied down to schedules and timelines and to-do lists. Yesterday, I was looking in the mirror and thinking about how ugly the tank top I had on was on me and so I thought to myself, "Hmmm, I feel like cutting up t-shirts today." So I got up, took out every single t-shirt that I could possibly cut from my closet, sat down with a sharpie, a yardstick and a good pair of scissors and just cut away. And I get so focused because I'm like, "Hey, you said you wanted to do this, so if you're gonna do this, you might as well actually do it and do it well." So I cut t-shirts for a good hour and a half. I made a shirt that's actually three shirts in one. Yeah, I'm cool like that (yeah, I know, no, not really). Or I was just lounging on the couch, channel surfing, and then, all of a sudden, I'd think, "Huh, I feel like writing today." And so I'd do it, lose interest and be bored again. Then I'd think, "LET'S BAKE COOKIES!", do it, and then be bored for a while again. It's the circle of life (HEYYY, let's watch The Lion King!). Next thing you know, I'll be writing a song or making a post-it mural.

Here is a picture of the awesome three-shirts-in-one. I just change the way I wear it so, technically, it makes three different looks. I made it out of an old conference t-shirt from 8th grade.

Oh and I was planning on making this oversized DFTBA into some kind of dress, but Josh wanted to save it from a "terrible fate" so he just took it because it fits him. I'm not sad; I didn't really want to cut up such an awesome shirt.

I really loved...bleh.
I smiled because...bleh.
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I write this part of the blog:
" why did you go away? [long instrumental part]..."
(Last Kiss by Taylor Swift)
Friend of the day: I'm discontinuing this one.
Hours of sleep last night: 7.5



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