Friday, August 26, 2011

Waiting For the Sky to Fall

So I said that I would give you a thorough explanation of all my classes at the end of the week. However, I really don't feel like doing that, so I have other things to talk about. 

So first, tonight I watched the third to last episode of Torchwood. Oh. Eme. Freaking Ge. ;lkqjknklklnblknaklqwpojqj'aakl;jk SOOOOO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate them so much for just doing this to me!!!! I love everything about it!!!! GAH! Can't form correct words. 

Then after that, I watched a movie with my family. "Something Borrowed". Can I just say that I kind of love romedies? I can't? Too bad. I do. And the thing that I loved about this one was that it didn't follow the regular plot progression that a normal movie will follow. It was constantly changing directions and I never really knew what to expect next. I'm pissed about who she ended up with, but oh well. Life goes on right? Right....

Okay, I'm tired. Also, I only have till the 31st to finish Dash and Lily. BYE!

Awkward Moments: 20
Books Read: 16 
Why Today Was Awesome: I Scream
Something I Learned: PCH quiz was a LOT easier than I expected. 
Song Stuck in My Head: "Sarah Smiles" by Panic! at the Disco


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