Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Last Night They'll Ever Think Of Us As Kids

So I have to agree with Jen with that one, summer is filled with the spontaneity to do whatever I want. I pretty much spent the last two days playing Amateur Surgeon 2 and Plants Vs Zombies. It was kind of ridiculously fun. I mean, the other day, I re-orginized my book shelf, like, this only happens during the summer, when I can do what I want. (Even though I kind of do this during the year, but not to this extent.) There is a bunch of stuff that I actually need to do, yet I keep on putting it off because I'm having too much fun doing nothing. 

Today, even though I slept in till 11 (for the first time this summer) I still feel tired and this brings me to something that I haven't wanted to talk about here, because I'm kind of embarrassed and ashamed about it. I have changed my mind about naps. Remember that one time, last summer, when I wrote a blog post about why I HATED naps? Well, if not, look here

The main reason why my opinion changed is because of summer school this year. I was going to sleep and waking up at the same times that I usually do during the year, but I found that I was more tired that normally. So one day, when I was on the computer, I was just too tired to continue, and fell asleep. I woke up soon after because of a pestering puppy but I felt strangely rejuvenated. And after that, I began to look forward to taking naps and I took them more and more often. So yeah, I am embarrassed. 

I know I said I was gonna put some NaNo stuff in here, but I just wasn't feeling it today, soon though, I promise. 

Awkward Moments: 1
Books Read: 14
Why Today Was Awesome: KITTY!
Something I Learned: 40 rounds of endless zombies is impossible!!! (Even though it's the LAST achievement that I need.)
Song Stuck in My Head: "Silly Love Songs" by Paul McCartney & Wings


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