Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Penultimate Ponies

Wait, Jen, you think that we did last summer BEDA better? I respectfully disagree. Last summer, I spent most of my blogs saying "I don't know what to say" and other lamenesses. I think we were stilling learning how to do it back then. I think that our true peak was in April BEDA, that's where I think we shone (as indicated by our stats). Nonetheless, BEDA leaves us soon, and we must return to the mundane ways of BEWTY (Blog Every Week Throughout the Year). (Hey, reminder to Jen, don't forget to do the John scavenger hunt stuff--if you need help, I'm here.)

Today, I actually did homework during a free for the first time this year. I want to make that somewhat of a habit, that would probably prove to be helpful. I'm one potion away in Pottermore from having all 6!!! Almost there!

Oh and one more thing to Jen (Geez, this entire post has been about Jen, what is this?) you found your "Great Perhaps" INTERROBANG I would like to know! I didn't know that everyone had their own, I thought it was more of a universal kind of thing. 

Anyway, I should be off. Until tomorrow for the last day of BEDA!!!!!!

Awkward Moments: 22
Books Read: 17
Why Today Was Awesome: Life is awesome, right? 
Something I Learned: Our Table Was Dirty
Song Stuck in My Head: "Best Thing I Never Had" By Luke and Jimmy (Although it keeps switching with all the others) 


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