Saturday, April 9, 2011


Day 9!

Ahhh, "winteringly." I took the ACT today and I laughed at the Writing question that asked whether "winteringly" was the right word to use in the passage. Cracked. Me. Up.

It's 2:18pm and I have yet to start my homework. But I really wanted to finish this post now so that I can concentrate on my work for the rest of the day.

It's weird, because I never would have thought I would be this happy (is that the right word?) during such a hellish two weeks. Yesterday was probably the best day I've had this whole year. And it wasn't even a special day or anything. It was just a regular and Basic-schedule Friday.

Okay, back up, the word thing is bothering me. Maybe "happy" is the wrong word to use .

I think "captivated" and "pleased" work much better in this situation. Like walking on air. (People always think that "walking on air" means you're ecstatic, but it doesn't. That would be more like "being on cloud nine.")

Anyway, yes, I feel like I'm walking on air. It's not the happiness that you get when you receive a 100% on a beastly test for which you studied. Or the kind of happiness that you get when you you find out that there's an extension on that paper that you really should have started when it was assigned a month ago. I think this is more like the happiness that you get when someone makes you feel special. And you least expected it.

The simple fact that this sudden bout of "walking on air" feeling is so unexpected makes it a happiness that I'm thankful to have and a happiness that everyone probably gets maybe only a few times in a lifetime.

Last week and this week are the absolute worst weeks of the year for me and that's because of debate. States is coming up, like I said in a previous post, and that has  me working on something for all of my free periods. I can't afford to lose focus or fall behind on my school and debate work. Simply put, I'm busier, busier, busier. I'm just holding my breath and hanging on to my chair because I know that the big BOOM (Impact card!) is this coming weekend. It's gonna be draining, like it is every year.

But I am really "walking on air" despite all of this stress and pressure, and I don't even know WHY. No, really, I don't know why. But I don't want to dwell on that because it will hinder me from thinking and doing more important things. So, moving on....

Someone told me this week that when she reads our posts, she can hear our voices in her head. I thought that was great, and I'm glad that they do because these posts are supposed to be our thoughts. They're parts of us that we're basically casting out for either nast-ies to seize and tear apart or for nice-ies to appreciate and follow.

Um, what else? Oh, congratulate Kendall! He got his driver's license. Yay!!! And, uh, was there something else? Um, my teeth still kind of hurt, but I can eat normally now. And yeah. I gotta work on some....spiders stuff for class. Among many other things.

I really loved...the "winteringly" question on the ACT.
I smiled because...oh, you know, for no reason.
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"Si pudiera bajarte una estrella del cielo..."
(Cuando Me Enamoro por Enrique Iglesias)
**I just realized that I didn't do the lyrics for yesterday's post. Well, I guess it doesn't matter because I wasn't listening to music at that time, just normal The Physics Room chatter.
Hours of sleep last night: 8! (No, not 8-factorial...)
Times it got COLD today: I was expecting a zero for today but actually...1. Still good. :)
Friend(s) of the day: Rebecca and Gavin :)
**I also realized that I didn't do a Friend of the Day for yesterday's post (wow, yesterday's early post was such a FAIL...), so....
Friend(s) of the day: 'Iolani Public Forum Debate team

--Jen :)


  1. Wait, what was the correct answer to that one? (The winteringly one)

  2. I think the correct answer was "wintry."
