Wednesday, April 6, 2011

We'll Climb a Chair and We'll Never Die

Today was extended schedule, so I only had three of my classes today. History was pretty fun because we asked Captain if we could go to the bake sale, and so that's what we did with the last twenty minutes of class. I also got re-certified in CPR, so if I see a semi-dead person lying in the middle of the road, I know what to do. Then I had chem and I had a super embarrassing and awkward moment, and since I don't really have anything better to talk about, I will talk about that. 

So our teacher was doing this experiment thing, and was making a reaction between these two things. She asked us what color we thought that the solution would become. While everyone was yelling out colors like blue and orange, I was planning on doing the same. However, something went horribly wrong. I opened my mouth to say a certain word. This word was supposed to be a color. But it wasn't. What I ended up saying was: seven. Yes. I yelled the word "seven" in the middle of my chem class. Luckily no one but my lab partner heard, but regardless, it was extremely embarrassing and I wish to never speak of it again starting.......NOW!

I'm kind of tired, and I don't really have anything else to talk about for today. I hope to do another informationy post soon but I am too tired right now to do anything about it. Sooooo ummm kay bye. 

Awkward Moments: 6 (Today's one was pretty bad.)
Pages Read: 156
Jen's Titles: EN-DEE KEY-III EFF-ARR TEE-EYCH AYY-III ELL-AYY Why Today Was Awesome: Toy Story Mac and Cheese. 


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