Monday, April 18, 2011

Day One: I Won!

Being the completely unoriginal person that I am, I am going to copy Jen's Memory Box idea, seeing as I have a Memory Box of my own. Now, although the idea of our Memory Boxes are the same, the nature of the contents may be very different. 

Let's start with a little back story of the box itself. Bellow, there is a picture of it, and as you can see, it is an interesting looking box. It is covered in writing and stickers, and you may be asking yourself: "Self, why does this box look like it belongs to an 8 year old?" Well imaginary, example of a person, it did belong to an 8 year old. Back in the day, when I was a young-en, my mom bought me and my brother these boxes to pot our Yu-Gi-Oh cards in. However we have no need for said tasks, so I now am in possession of both boxes, one is my Memory Box and the other holds all tickets of any sort. A few years ago when I decided to turn it into a Memory Box, I decided to line it with paper so no one could see in, and put a lock on it. These two things were good ideas back in the day, but now, they are making the box even harder to use, since it is practically overflowing. "With what?' you ask. Mainly, there are papers. Notes from friends, cards, invitations, doodles, basically anything that I found meaningful. One of those things, I am about to show you now. 

The first item that I have to present to you is this letter. And now before I explain the letter itself, I must give you some background information. Last year, around this time, the book "The Red Pyramid" (There, quotations, happy?) came out, and online they had this contest. It was a series of puzzles that were extremely difficult. I was able to play through it through the help I received from the internet. One of the people who beat the puzzle would be selected at random and were to receive and awesome prize. Now, I didn't win that, but I did win the prize that they gave to the first 100 people who beat the puzzle. 
Here is a picture of the letter that they sent to me, months after I entered the contest. 
In my prize, I received a poster, some cards, and an audio book version of the book. It was really cool to win something like this, and I had fun listening to some of the book. (Although, it was taking to slow, so I stopped listening to it and started just reading it.) It is a cool memory to have in my Box. 

Awkward Moments: 14
Pages Read: 479
Why Today Was Awesome: Portal Freaking 2 tomorrow!!
Something I Learned: Car servicing makes no sense. 
Song Stuck in My Head: Still Alive by GLaDoS

1 comment:

  1. Nope. Book titles should be italicized or underlined.
