Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thorns of Fairy

If a banana were to way three tons, how much would a pen cost? Oh, sorry, that was just a ice breaking question seeing as I don't really have much to say. As usual. Something fun that happened today, though, was that I went to my math class late today, so I was the last person to start the test, but then I was the first person to finish. I always finish all my tests and quizzes first in every class. It's because if I know something, then I do so I will do it and that's that. I don't like to linger on questions that I don't know, and I can't stand to double check my answers. I sometimes try to, but it's just way too painful for me to double check answers. Ew, just thinking about it. 

So today was the first day of Debate states for Jen and I would like to ask everyone to take a second and shoot some awesome-rays over in Jen's direction for a second. Did you do it? No? Then do it! Yes? Good. Now that that's out of the way. I don't know how she did today, but I'm sure she will tell me all about it tomorrow. I'm sure she did well though. And even if she didn't, that's alright because theres always next year I suppose. And if she does poorly next year too? Well, then, that kind of just sucks. Yeah, it's not like I'm pessimistic or anything. 

Fun fact: HP DH part 1 comes out on DVD tomorrow. (W00T!) And the YouTube banner/advertisement is of Harry Potter. I can't wait to watch it again. Then I can't wait to watch part 2. No. I don't want to see it! But I do! So conflicted..... "You're parents are dead, you have no family." Chills man, chills. Or as my Grandma liked to call it "Goose Pimples". LOL. Hispanic people FTW.

Oh and happy birthday Emma Watson. (Tomorrow.)
Also, thank you to Random Title Generator for this title. 

Awkward Moments: 12
Pages Read: 333
Why Today Was Awesome: I was in a cold box.
Something I Learned: Box paint wears off.
Song Stuck in My Head: Weightless by All Time Low (Again)


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