Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Luke Gave Me a Heart

So being the procrastinating Nerdfighter that I am, I was watching Luke's VEDA video today. And on his Facebook, he said that he would respond to everyone who commented, if they voted for him in the YouTube Next Up contest. So I did. I said something along the lines of "I've been voting for you everyday, I hope you guys win! :D" 
Now, my YouTube username is CheeryTadpole. The reason for this is because when I made the account for something, I didn't really care about it. The thingy then suggested the username Cheery Tadpole for me to use. So I did and I got that username. I guess it isn't that masculine of a name because Luke then responded by saying: 
"Me too! Thanks for the votes and make sure to vote for my friends! <3"
Yup. Luke Conard gave me a heart. Life = Made. 

Also, there were elections today at school. That was fun. I just now realized, though, that that will be the last time I will ever vote in high school. *Sigh.*

In other news, I was reading more HP 4 today and I really love the Yule Ball scene in the book for many reasons, one including Dumby's reference to the Room of Requirement. Also, the way that they get food is pretty cool (they just say what they want off of the menu and it appears.) Oh, and it's funny how in the book they have sex in the bushes and in the movie they have sex in the car-things. But the thing is that I LOVE that scene in the movie. It is an amazing scene for many reasons that are about to be listed. 1) "I look like my Great Aunt Tessy. I smell like my Great Aunt Tessy." Classic. 2) When the champions and their dates are waiting outside and then Parvati (SP?) sees Hermione come down the stairs and says, "She looks beautiful," and then Harry is looking at Cho and says, "Yeah, she does." <3 3) How they immediately start dancing as they walk in and then Parvati is like "Harry, take my waist!" 4) The music during the first dance scene. I love it. 5) Ron's reaction to seeing Hermione with Victor: "Is that Hermione Granger with Victor Krum?" "No. Absolutely not." 6) The part when Hermione comes up to Ron and Harry. The use a lot of the same dialogue in the movie from the book, but it's more well put together. "You're fraternizing with the enemy!" "The enemy!? This competition is about international magical cooperation. To make friends!" 7) The part right at the end where Hermione is yelling at Ron. "Where have you been? Never mind! Off to bed, both of you! Ron you spoil everything!" 8) How there are those girls crying in the background. I think it makes the  atmosphere of a dance more realistic. 9) Neville. I think that it's one of his first happy moments. 
So ummm yeah, I like the Yule Ball. 

Awkward Moments: 5 (The most recent one was the worst by far. April is going to be an awkward month.)
Pages Read: 105
Why Today Was Awesome:


  1. What on Earth were your fourth/fifth lines about?!!?

    #3 is my favorite. Oh so funny!

    I love the Yule Ball too. Nahh I like any feast/celebration where Rowling describes all the cool toys/gifts/food/ MAGIC!.

    -W in JAWss

    Kendall-don't worry, I'm just stalking Jen and her FOD postings.
    But all of both your blogs are really fun to read.

  2. 4) When they first walk in and start dancing. I love that music that plays then.
    5) I love it when Ron first see's Hermione with Victor. It's priceless.

  3. And yet you only comment on Kendall's post today, Win? ;P
