Friday, April 1, 2011

BEDA Day 1: Craziest Day Ever!

So as the title implies, it is 1) the first day of BEDA (W00T!) and 2) it was a freaking crazy day!

Let's start from the beginning, shall we? In the morning we had an assembly to hear the speeches from the people who were running for proconsul. I liked most of them, some were really good! They basically just made it even harder for me to decided who to vote for.

Next was probably the most crazy part of my day: my period 1 class, Spanish. So today is April Fool's day, only a fool wouldn't know that (see what I did there?), and like any other teenage class of spanish delinquents, we decided that we would prank our teacher. We planned it out yesterday, and it seemed like a pretty reasonable and funny prank. We were planning on everyone gathering outside and not going into class for the first few minutes. So it started out like that, we were all waiting around the corner, well all except one, but that isn't very important. So a few minutes passed and we were planning on going in, until, the door opened and of course, everybody ran. We ran around the corner and all went inside an innocent english teacher's room. It was still fun, everyone was laughing, even the english teacher. We then asked her if she could write us all tardy notes that said April Fools! We got our passes and then went back to class. At this point, we were about 7 minutes late. We try to open the door, and it was locked. We didn't really know what to do so we put the slips under the door. After a few seconds, one came back out saying that we needed to get real tardy slips from the attendance window. We weren't really sure if she was joking or not because Senora has been known to be a trickster in her days, so we were still waiting around outside, singing songs and such. After a few more notes were passed, we finally got the message to go and get passes. While at this point we still kind of thought that she was joking, we decided to go do it anyway. We got to the attendance window and she thought it was funny as we all did. I think that she still marked us all tardy, but she gave us a note that said excused. Then, someone decided to get an unexcused note for the one person who went to class, and while it may have been funny to a certain extent, I think that that was the only part that we went too far. So we get back to class and she lets us in and we all sit down. Then, it's awkward. She just sat at her desk and we all just waited around for a few minutes, not really doing anything. At one point though, we all broke out into song, singing "Go Tell It on the Mountain" which was quite impressive, I must say. So then, as a class, we decided to go over homework, while she was popping her gum very loudly. The rest of the class was awkward, especially since the few times that she did speak, she seemed very mad. So yeah, it was fun, especially since one of my friends who had her class later in the day told me that she wasn't actually mad at us, and it was just her way of getting back at us.

The rest of the day consisted of just small, weird, and abnormal events. But I guess it was a pretty good day, and it was a good way to kick of BEDA.

(So for the rest of the month, I am going to be keeping track of the following things:)
Awkward Moments: 2
(I don't have any others yet, but I will think of some soon.)


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