Friday, April 22, 2011

Day Five: Bailar-ing and Threes

I'd like to apologize in advance for the blurriness of this image, the iPhone camera is not the best. So if you can't read what it says, it says "Si, Quiero bailar. =] A three ate more threes. XD" Now, I don't remember the exact origin of the paper itself, but I do know of the phrases written upon the note. 
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that I received this note in my locker in ninth grade. And right now I want you to guess who it's from. Right now. Go on. Guess.
Did you get it? Yup, it's from Jen. The XD gave it away huh? *Sigh* 9th-grade-Jen, you're so obvious. So yes, Jen put this note in my locker, but what does it mean!?!?!?! Let's start with the first phrase shall we? "Si, Quiero bailar." Now, I'm sure that you are asking yourself right now: "Self, why are the two first words capitalized but the third isn't!?!" Well, I can't answer that for you, but what I can answer is what that Spanish phrase means in English and that would be: "Yes, I want to dance." 
In order for one to understand that phrase, they would need a little back story. This goes all the way back to my seventh and eighth grade days. Now watch out, you are about to see 12-year old girl Kendall again. Ready? Okay, this story originates from "High School Musical." Yup. More specifically, the song "Bop to the Top" sung by Ryan and Sharpay. Throughout the song, they say little random Spanish phrases, and in the very beginning of the song, Sharpay says "Quieres bailar?" which means "Do you want to dance?" Now fast forward a year or two to freshman year. More specifically, May 20, 2009 when I emailed Jen about a history project (the country one in which I was paired with Jared W.) and I entitled it "Quieres bailar?" Now, there is no mention of the title at all in the email thread itself, but I have come to the assumption that Jen made this note during one of the days proceeding the email. 

Next: "A three ate more threes." Now I'm not sure how this started or whose was first or why this even happened (although I'm sure Jen does), but this was just a clever way to remember my locker combination. "A THREE(3) ATE(8) more THREES(33)" [Don't get excited, this isn't my locker combination anymore.] It was cool. I really liked the idea of that and I thought that sentence was really clever and it was helpful in remembering it. Since then I have tried to do that with my other locker combos, but it never really seems to work out. 

Awkward Moments: 18
Pages Read: 479
Why Today Was Awesome: I just watched "The King's Speech"? That was good I guess?

Something I Learned: "Everyday" is an adjective, while "every day" is not.
Song Stuck in My Head: Friday by Rebecca Black (Seriously? Poop.)


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