Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Tuesday: I Wanna Be Rain that Tastes Like Wine

Day 19!

I was unusually sleepy all day today. I was nodding off in Precalc, and I almost didn't finish my APUSH test because I fell asleep for a couple of minutes toward the end of the period! Luckily, I was able to get about an hour or so of shut-eye on the ride home. It's usually very hard for me to sleep in the car despite the fact that I bring a comfy pillow, my blanket, and my iPod. I consider the ride home everyday sort of like "Reflection Time." All the thinking, daydreaming, and scenario-making that I always tend to do in the car prevent me from sneaking in a bit of sleep time. I used to try to force myself to sleep (SLEEP, JEN, DAMMIT!!!) in the car, but I' ve given up. Thinking, daydreaming and scenario-making are habits of mine now.

Anyway, since Kendall showed you his Memory Box yesterday, I took a picture of mine, too. I actually just transferred everything to this pretty box because the old plastic container/box that I had been using until just yesterday could not hold everything anymore.

Today's item from is a small piece of paper. To be honest, I don't really remember where it's from. Or how/why I have this piece of square paper. So I did a bit of investigative journalism.

This is definitely my handwriting, so I can rule out the possibility that someone else wrote me this note. I can also determine the earliest possible time that I could have written this note. I did not start writing my E's like that until I was in 8th grade. But everything in this box is from 9th grade and up. So that makes sense. Hmmm....what else? I can Google that certain sentence, I guess.

"I wanna be rain that tastes like wine" is from a song called "Your Mistake" by a band called Sister Hazel. Hmm....searching "Sister Hazel" on Wikipedia...

Sister Hazel, according to Wikipedia, is an "alternative rock band from Gainesville, Florida, whose style also blends elements of folk rock, pop, classic rock 'n' roll and southern rock. Their music is characterized by highly melodic tunes and generally optimistic lyrics."

I looked up the song and here it is. I've never heard it before, but the sentence, "I wanna be rain that tastes like wine" sounds REALLY familiar. I like it.

But why did I even write this sentence down? I guess that'll always be a mystery, unless I remember somehow (I'll let you know if I figure it out). It's interesting though, isn't it? I've definitely changed a lot over the past couple of years. Maybe the me who actually wrote down this interesting sentence isn't the me I am right now, and that's why I don't know the exact story behind this item. And maybe I won't ever be sure how and why I came across this sentence and wrote it down, but at least I know that a version of me in the past felt that it was important enough to keep for a future version of me to possibly remember.


Aww, but the story's lame now; the mystery is gone! Ahh, well. Okay, "I wanna be rain that tastes like wine" is the extra line that comes at the end of one of the songs on my iPod called "Best of Me" by The Starting Line. A long time ago, my brother sent me the file of "Best of Me" (from wherever he gets his music) after I had asked him for it. But the last two seconds or so of the file that he sent me had a different song--that song is, I now know, "Your Mistake" by Sister Hazel. And it was just that one line--"I wanna be like rain that tastes like wine."

Ahh, it's slowly coming back to me now. Okay, I have a list (here we go again) of Songs that Have Saved My Life (yet another topic for another future post), and "Best of Me" is definitely on that list mainly because of the addition of that extra line: "I wanna be like rain that tastes like wine."

When I first listened to the file, I remember laughing at how that line comes after the dad in "Best of Me" yells at the boys, "I'm gonna call the *beep* cops!" And I remember thinking to myself, "I don't think that last bit is really part of the song, but it definitely makes the whole feeling a lot better." Someone, out there, deserves a hug from me.

Okay, everything's coming back. This line stuck to me from the first moment I heard it because, well, who doesn't wanna be rain that tastes like wine? I've always wanted to be good at something, anything. But I don't play a sport, I don't draw, or sing well, or play the piano or any other instrument, or act, or dance. So, every since I was little, the only talent I really had was...school. That's what I seriously said whenever someone asked me, "Do you have a special talent?"

"Oh you know, I'm really good at school."

But it was a weird answer. Because I was the only one who ever said that. Everyone else could sing or recite poetry or whatever.

What am I good at now? Well, I can talk. I think I'm good at being a friend. I can write long blog posts. But these are still weird answers. Because I'm still the only one who says these answers(am I?). So does that mean that I'm still NOT rain that tastes like wine?

Haha, I don't really know. Maybe I'm rain but I don't taste like wine. Maybe I'm rain that tastes like something else. But, unlike before, I'm okay with it now.

I really loved...having b-fast with Kendall.
I smiled because...of headbands.
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"...and we don't need anything from you. 'Cause we'll be just fine..."
(Underclass Hero by Sum 41)
Hours of sleep last night: 4
Times it got COLD today: 3
Friend of the day: Ehhhh...no one special really comes to mind.

--Jen :)


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