Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sunday: The Black Spot

Day 24!

First off, Kendall's post was amazing. I was all, "Wait, younger-Kendall made a scavenger hunt for current-Kendall a couple of years ago? And then current-Kendall not only completed said scavenger hunt, but he also made improvements for future-Kendall?" That was sooooo nerdy. . . and SO COOL! (You see, this is why we're best friends).

I'll try to top that awesome item/post. But first off, I want you to look at this picture and tell me what you see (Seriously, tell me. Like, say something to your computer screen right now. Don't worry about being weird--we're all weird here). What do you see in this picture?

Done? Okay, I'm pretty sure 100% of you said, "Geez Jen, that picture has such crappy quality, but I can certainly see a tiny black dot on a piece of white paper. Now what, you pathetic excuse of a blogger?"

Well, (I'll ignore all of your nasty comments), you're wrong. The picture above is NOT a picture of "a tiny black dot on a piece of white paper." But don't worry, I thought it was one, too, back when we were wee little sophomores during the fall semester of last school year....



After trying to decipher my Chemistry notes (if you can really call them "notes"--they were really just a bunch of random symbols and numbers and random doodles to me), I finally accepted defeat, stood up, threw my hands up in the air and slammed my notebook shut. The sound startled a couple of my friends who were sitting next to me, both doubled up over their own homework as well. 

"I hate this bench. It gets so HOT after school here," I continued to growl, violently stuffing all of my things in my bag. "And I hate Chemistry, and I hate this homework, and, and, and--aaaahhhhhh!" I zipped up my backpack with a flourish and covered my eyes with my hands, forcing myself to breathe.

After a couple of seconds, I finally calmed down enough to sit back down. Kendall (actually, I'm not sure who this other person was, so let's just say it was Kendall) had already dismissed my outburst as insignificant and returned to his math homework, deciding that it deserved more of his attention. But Tiff was looking at me curiously, then she smiled.

"What?" I asked her.

"Quick, give me a piece of scratch paper."

I stared at her for a moment. This better be good. I handed her my chemistry quiz because I didn't want to look at my pathetic grade anymore (Lie! It was actually a piece of paper with HIV info. But the chemistry quiz works better, so play along).

Tiff took a black pen, drew a black blob smack dab in the middle of the paper, and held it up for me to see. "All right, what is this?" she asked.

"Um, it's a tiny black dot on a piece of white paper."

"Nope," she shook her head. "It's a black piece of paper with a huge white blob all over it, except for that tiny uncovered speck in the middle."

I stared at her. "Perspective, dear," Tiff said, nodding and folding up the piece of paper, "Perspective."

I stood up and gave her a hug.


Freshman year was easy, so it was fun. Things got harder during sophomore year and school became more stressful and less fun. But those are the kinds of challenges that come with growing up. And without these challenges, we don't grow up at all!

Putting a positive spin on terrible things can be hard at first but practice makes perfect (But not everything has a silver lining--that's a lie. Most things have a silver lining, some don't and you can't do anything about it).

I really loved...that I finished Physics homework earlier than I expected.
I smiled because...of Kendall's post today.
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"Let's build a rocket to the moon, just you and I. We can start a whole new world up there and leave our past behind..."
(The Closest I Am to Living Life on the Edge by Valencia)
Times it got COLD today: 0 (Sadness? Crap. Yeah, wtf, sadness. Shut up.)
Hours of sleep last night: 8
Friend of the day: Binder clips and paperclips!

--Jen :)


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