Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Turn Left?

Today is April 12, 2011. One day after my birthday. And exactly 10 years since I moved here to Hawaii. Yup, I moved here the day after my seventh birthday. A lot has changed since than, and it it didn't than that would be a bad thing. Although, I can't help but think how my life would be different if I had stayed in Washington. I wouldn't know any of my friends. I wouldn't have been exposed to all the cool and different cultures that we have here in Hawaii. I would have been just another haole kid amongst thousands. But at the same time, I would have possibly had a more American up-bringing. I wouldn't have to feel bad for not liking spam because no one else would have liked it either. I would get be in the cold and snow and rain, the weather that I love. But, would I still love it if I stayed there? The reason I love the cold is because I grew up here for most of my life, I have enjoyed the warm for so long, that now I want to go back to the cold. 

I can't help but think of a random scenario in which I lived in an alternate universe where my dad turned right instead of left and his whole life changed. He would't have been offered a job here in Hawaii and I never would have moved. 10 years later, I come to Hawaii for vacation, I'm in Ala Mona as a tourist and I see my friends. My friends that I never really had. And I don't recognize them. I accidentally bump into one of them, and don't even realize who it was. Then another person comes out of no where and tells me that I have to go back to my real reality. She is also from a different world, and she see's this weird space bug thing on my back. Next thing I know, the Titanic falls from space and crashes into Washington, killing everyone I ever knew. The world is in chaos. Everything is going to end. All because my dad didn't turn left. So the girl comes back and she sends me back in time to when my dad was turning. And the only way to stop him is to get hit by another car. And as I'm dying and returning to my real universe, she tells me to tell him two words: Bad Wolf. 

Like how I started off with a serious what if statement, then it turned into a giant Doctor Who reference? Yeah, me too. Ha ha anyway, you get the point. My life would be so much different, and I would be a completely different person. Just a fun thing to think about. Like, what if I had fifteen siblings, or what if I was homeless, or what if I was a time lord. I guess it makes more thankful for what we have now because it allows us to see how our life could be different, and whether or not it is good or bad, we take a good look at our lives, and see how they are good in their own ways. 

Awkward Moments: 12
Pages Read: 326 (I am reading right now though)
Why Today Was NOT Awesome: No Garlic Chicken.


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