Saturday, April 23, 2011

Saturday: It Made All the Difference

Day 23!

Okay, today's blog post comes to you in 7 PARTS!

Part 1 - Response to Kendall's Post
Yesterday, Kendall showed you a note that I wrote and left in his locker during our freshman year. I'm a Queen of Writing Notes. Really. Ask Kendall. Unfortunately, I don't remember why I wrote the specific note in the first place either. 
That Spanish phrase is just something that I really like saying. 
As for the "XD"? Yeah, I did that a lot back in freshman year. I don't do it anymore because after almost three years at 'Iolani, you find less and less reasons to make that face (slightly deps). 
As for that mnemonic device, I'm actually very proud of that one. But Kendall got a new lock this year and I still haven't made a new phrase for that one (which is why I panic whenever we switch locks and I can't recall his combination as quickly as I used to!).

Part 2 - My Yearday
Today is my real birthday, but not in the sense that this was the day when I was born. More like this is the day when I complete my years, so it's actually my yearday. It gets confusing, so I'll explain slowly: A baby stays in the mommy's womb for nine months, three months short of a full year. So really, you turn one years old three months after you come out. (Don't think about it the Chinese way, it'll get confusing, I think.) And since my birthday is on good old 1-23, my yearday is on 4-23. Get it?

Part 3 - Kendall's Pants
I sense a recurring theme in his posts. I'm willing to bet that today's item's picture will have his pants in the background.

Part 4 - Peru
We had our first view from a South American country yesterday! And it's from Peru! Where they have pink dolphins. Don't believe me? Here's proof!

Part 5 - The List Updates
I've updated both pages (What We've Done and What We Still Need to Do). I actually dug up my original Bucket List and put up all of the ones that Kendall asterisk-ed that fateful day back in Summer of '09 (SONG WIN!). So there are a bunch more stuff under What We Still Need to Do list. Only a couple were new stuff that we decided on just this week but the other ones were actually on the hardcopy of the list, we just didn't put them up (I'm not sure why). I also saw that "Post a video on YouTube" was on The List, but we've already done that with our P4A video.

Part 6 - Doctor Who
I am so mad that the new season starts off with a two-episode tandem thing (according to Josh)! They drop that pregnant bomb at the very end of the episode and they're like, "Ope, that's it for today! See you next week!" and they end it right there and I'm just all gahhhhhhh. Well, the cliffhanger works. Dumb Steve Moffat, I love you and am thankful for you. They are in 2011 whooo! The aliens are way creepier than anything else I've ever seen on the show and so was the whole Nixon and his weekly phone calls. And the little girl? Our guess is that she is little-girl-River-Song. I used to hate River Song--I just didn't want to accept her. But I think I'm getting used to the idea of her being an important part of the life of future-Doctor. Oh, and I totally got the dirty joke towards the end of the episode (Did you? I bet you didn't catch's okay, Josh got it after  a minute or so, but Shayne and I got it just like *that*)! I am excited for next week Saturday.

Part 7 - Today's Item
Today's item comes from Shayne.

I triple qualified on a mere whim last year. I didn't plan on it. I only planned on doubling. But the next thing I know I was all, "Hey, there's one speech tournament left in the season before States, and I'm already qualified in one speech event. I should try out a new speech event!"

Yeah, sophomore Jen wasn't very smart.

Anyway, it was terrible. I didn't have my piece memorized by the time Districts rolled around and I knew I was screwed and my coach was all, "There are only two of you entered from our district, so you SHOULD win first" and I only qualified for States by default. Long story short, I didn't think I deserved to compete for OO at States. 

But I tried my best to memorize my OO piece, to emulate passion while speaking, and to practice as many times as I could, all the while I was also prepping for debate and practicing my PR piece. 

Fast forward to Day 2 of States. My partner and I didn't break finals (neither did Shayne and her partner) and since my partner and I were both competing in speech early morning the next day, we could leave. But I couldn't because my mom ended up judging the semifinal round for JV. Just my luck. So Shayne and I stayed and watched the semifinals for Varsity.

Fast forward again to the next morning. I arrived at Punahou after only 4-5ish hours of sleep, dreading the three rounds for two speech events that morning. I was ready to give up at this point, until I saw something when I opened my PR binder. That something was the envelope pictured above. Inside it was a note that said, "KICK BUTT IN PR & OO! I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!! POSITIVE ATTITUDE WILL GO A LONG WAY... <3, Ate Shayne"

To be honest, I didn't care much for the note's contents--I already knew all of that. The thing that touched me was the fact that after two consecutive nights of grueling debate, after dealing with the fact that she didn't break semifinals, and after she had to stay with me and watch the Varsity round, my sister still found the time and energy to write out a simple note that hoped I would still do well in speech despite our poor showing in debate. And just the knowledge that she wants me to do well, especially then when I knew that her season ended a day early, made me do my best in both events. I spoke about the small things that make a big difference during my OO rounds and then spoke about my brother during my PR rounds. 

I felt good, but not awesome. So when my coach pulled me aside before they posted up the students who broke to the final round and told me to prepare myself mentally because there was a good chance that I would break for both of my events? In my head, I was all, "Definitely not in OO."  And I walked straight towards the colored sign with the PR codes on it, purposely passing by the OO sign because I knew that I would not see my code there. But when I approached the PR sign, there was an asterisk next to my code. And that asterisk signaled to the judges that I had another speech event. Which meant that I also broke for OO. I walked back to the OO sign and, sure enough, there was my OO code with an asterisk on it.

I knew a lot of other students who should have broken for OO, students who did way better than I did. But I broke. And I'm dead sure that it was because of Shayne's note.

I really loved...the tupig my dad made today.
I smiled because...of the new Doctor Who episode.
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"...And I'll breathe you in tonight..."
(Better Be Prepared by Valencia)
Hours of sleep last night: about 7 hours
Times it got COLD: 2? Yeah, 2.
Friend of the day: Matt Smith

--Jen :)


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