Thursday, April 28, 2011

I Always Forget to Put a Title!

Again, Jen and I said that decided on what I was going to talk about in today's post, but I forgot what that was so I am going to talk about The Office because I like that show a lot and there is a very important episode on tonight. 

So, for those of you who don't watch The Office, it's basically about an office, that is crazy. Yup, that's about it. It's been on for a great seven seasons, but today, the almost-former-main character is leaving the show. Steve Carrell (I saw him when I was on the Big Island!!!), who plays Michael Scott, is leaving the show. They are still going to continue it, which could work out okay because there are so many other great characters, but it will be hard for them to keep it going without him.

Anyway, the reason why it is so important to me is because, like I said before, I respond emotionally to reactions. How people react to certain situations are the things that get to me personally. For example, when Harry is holding Dobby and he says "Help me!" And Ron and Hermione just kind of look at him. Another example, the Doctor's expression when Rose loses grip and is falling into the void in the season 2 finale. And this relates to The Office how?

Well in the past few episodes, there have been moments like this. First, when he first tells the rest of the office that he is leaving, they all just have a shocked look on their faces. Ahhh, goose pimples!! Then, in last weeks episode, they all sing a song that they wrote for him, and he starts crying. Ahhhhhhh. 

Okay, well, I saw a preview and it showed Jim saying "You know, you turned out to be a really great boss." (Not an exact quote) a;kljsdf;lksadjfl;kj I love that type of stuff.

Okay, moving on. 

Right now. Like, right now.

Watched it? Good.

1) I loved this one.
2) LOL. I love this one, especially Hank's face in the end. 
3) Ha ha good one Hank.
4) Ha ha ha I seriously laughed out loud at this one. 
5) Ha ha, good one.
6) Meh.
7) Woah HANK! Dirty nerd jokes!!?!?!?!? Calm down!
8) Ha ha Hank, you are a funny one. 
9) I don't get it. 
10) I don't get it, but it sounds dirty. 
11) Ha ha I love math.
12) Ha ha do it Hank!
13) Ha ha ha ha I love how they purposely named those things for that joke. 
14) Meh.
15) Heard it, but still good.
17) Ha ha ha ha <3
18) Meh. 
19) Ha ha
20) Meh. (Keep in mind that all the meh's mean that I don't really get it.)
21) Meh.
22) Meh.
23) Ha ha ha I like this one.
24) I don't get it!!!
25) Ha ha what!!?!?!?
27) Don't get it. 
28) Would help if I knew what extrapolate means...
29) Ha ha I like duct tape.
30) Ha ha I get it. 
31) What?

31 is a prime number!!!!!!

Awkward Moments: 20
Pages Read: 511 
Why Today Was Awesome: Alex (Carps) is funny.
Something I Learned: I'm not very good at tutoring
Song Stuck in My Head: Lovegood by MoM
Email Subject of the Day: "SHAYNEEEEEE!!!!!!" (From April 28, 2010 sent to Shayne)


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