Sunday, April 3, 2011

What the Eff is Malta?

So Blogspot has this nifty thing where they can track all sorts of different statistics from our blog. Such as, how many views we have, from what internet browser they are from, what link brought them here, and also, from what country they are from. Of course, the majority of the views are from the U.S. but there are some from other countries. The other countries are all under 100 and most of them are big, well established countries around the world. Recently, I found myself looking at this list and found one country that seemed a tad bit odd. It was called Malta. Now, I have never heard of the country of Malta so I did a little bit of research on the subject. 

The Republic of Malta is an island nation of the southern coast of Italy. Now I know what you're thinking, because I was thinking the exact same thing: "How is there a country in Europe that I haven't heard of?" Well, there are actually quite a few European nations that we don't hear from that often. Malta is one of the most densely populated countries in the world because it is only about 300 km squared, and it has about 300,000 people. They gained their independence from the UK in 1964 through "intense negotiations." The origin of the term "Malta" is unknown, but it is thought to be derived from the Greeks. I wish I was around in Greek times. It would be cool to go there, like, Doctor style.  

Now get this, I found something that completely caught me off guard. The main language of Malta is Maltese. There is a whole new language that I have never heard of. An entire dialect that thousands of people speak, that I never knew existed. [If you want to know what it sounds like, start at around 1:15. CLICK HERE :) ]

So, why did 18 people (or one person 18 times) venture towards our teenage, angst-ridden blog? Could it be because 1.6% of the population of Malta are British, and British people are effing cool? Maybe. Or it could be because Maltese people know how to party? You know those Maltese people, going from club to club, partying Jersey style. (Like, the original Jersey, not the New one.) Or it could even be that the freaking Danielle Fishel is Maltese. You know, freaking TOPANGA from Boy Meets World?!?!?! TOPANGA!!! I posted about a Boy Meets World video back in the day, they could have been here to see that, right? Although the most likely possibility could be that they just wandered to this blog by accident and then immediately exited. Yeah, that's what most likely happened.

All the time we hear that we Americans are ignorant towards the rest of the world, and don't really realize what else is out there. I would always think that I am a culturally diverse person, to a certain extent, and that I know what's outside of our industrialized and fast-paced lives. But there's so much out there that we don't notice. I have never even heard of this entire country until a few days ago. 300,000 people who suddenly just appeared in the world, that weren't there before. As a country, we are very different from the rest of the world. We do a lot of bad things that are for our personal gain that hurt others or the environment, but we also do a lot of good and what we have works. We may be a country of lazy, ignorant, different, powerful people and that's okay, we should just be more aware of what's outside of what we are used to. 

Awkward Moments: 2
Pages Read: 53 (School stuff doesn't count)


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