About Us

This page used to have pictures but now it doesn't because I transferred all of my data on a new Google account. Oh well. We apologize that you cannot see our beautiful faces. But if you're even bothering to read this page, then that must mean that you already know us. Right? Right. So read on!

Who are "Chewy" and "Fruity"?
CHEWY = KENDALL  He is the super tall, duper gangly, uber awkward, kind of socially impaired, can't-spell-to-save-his-life, math-loving, self proclaimed-not-very-creative guy in this partnership.

FRUITY = JEN She, on the other hand, is the diligent, work-hard-until-you-can't-work-no-more, crazy, unofficially bipolar, giggly and giggly-when-there's-no-homework, math-hating girl in this partnership.

The Bestfriend Ship (Don't sink it!). Creepyliciousnessities. The random weird ha-ha moments out of the purple and blue. Those lazy, hazy, crazy days. Tumblr. Nerfighteria. Harry Potter. Lame jokes that aren't really lame. Food. Delicious food. FREE delicious food. Good books. 
We live for these things.

Why "Chewy" and "Fruity"?
Well, Kendall likes those Quaker Chewy Granola Bars. A lot. Only the chocolate-chip flavored ones though (he can't even touch the others). And Jen loves the Kellogg's Fruity Snacks. She likes all of them but her favorite kind is the Mixed Berry (The berries are all mixed together! How can you not like it?). And I guess you could say that their bestfriendship was kinda-sorta-but-not-really built on these snackies.

What is "The List"?
Simple. It's a list. 
We like to-do lists. A lot. We do it everyday for everything all the time. The List is simply a to-do list of all the things that we would like to do together (or with others, doesn't really matter) before we graduate high school. Or, if we decide to do so after we graduate, we can continue adding tasks and checking things off up until the moment we die (because we plan to be friends forever seriously). Think of it as a normal scavenger-hunt-and-to-do-list mash-up. Except it's more epic because the time is only up once we both die.

Where else can we find you guys?
Well, we have a YouTube account that has had many videos over the years. Check it out, we did a fun thing in November of 2012 for NaNoWriMo on there and more!: http://dft.ba/-youtubeaccount

Jen also has her own personal blog (well, two, if you count her required Physics blog from junior year) but it is still under construction, very much still "in the works." If you would like to check it out or just take a look at what she's done so far here it is: http://dft.ba/-dancewithjen

We both have a lot of Tumblr blogs. First, we have personal Tumblrs, filled with random stuff that happens to catch our fancies: dancewithmewillyou.tumblr.com & alltaco32.tumblr.com

And then, there's one that Jen has dedicated to human hands (yep, everyone who knows Jen knows about her weird thing for hands...): thesehandsofours.tumblr.com

She keeps track of her reading progress due to her newfound free time here: anewchapter-literally.tumblr.com

For the color of dreams and fantasies here: thispurpleworld.tumblr.com

Her Sherlock Feels for "The Reichenbach Fall" are all in one place: http://allthereichenbachfeels.tumblr.com/

Kendall has one just for his photography, check that one out here: kendallsphotography.tumblr.com

Follow/Subscribe to us!

Are you guys nerdfighters?
Yes, we are and we are proud to be nerdfighters, thank you for asking. We like things like school, math, books, reading books, writing stories, listening to music, Doctor Who, watching YouTube videos, Harry Potter, scavenger hunts, staplers, post-its, and other office supplies, decreasing worldsuck and increasing awesome. We certainly live to prove that we are made of awesome.

What is the purpose of this blog?
Well, again, that one is simple. But not really.
See, our main purpose is to record our journey as we go on to try to complete The List. And, of course, like all blogs, we intend to inform our (nonexistent?) readers about that journey.
(Oh and plus, having a blog is clearly on The List. So we have that one checked off.)

But the underlying purpose that's really much bigger than The List itself? Well, it's because we're best friends. And best friends like to share their weirdness with each other. This blog contains much more than the completion of The List, like it says on top. It also contains little pieces of our daily lives and fragments of the bond we share with each other and the people around us.

So, if you're interested, check out our crazies and randoms on our List pages.
Or feel free to leave comments on our List pages or on this page with suggestions as to what else we should add on The ListOr you can just creep on us and read our posts. And be...inspired, maybe, hopefully.
You're welcome to do as you please. Enjoy.

--Jen and Kendall 


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