Thursday, August 18, 2011

Slytherin Pride: Real Friends Help You Incendio the Bodies

All right before I dive in, quick update for those of you who are still out of the loop. So JK Rowling, along with Sony and others, has created POTTERMORE, an interactive website where the fans can truly be part of the story that Potterheads all over the worlds has come to know and love. For more info, you can click on the links below.
-Jo's Announcement video:
-More explanation?:
-Official blog:

Okay, so after I finished reading Crime and Punishment last night, I told myself, "Self, you deserve some Pottermore time!" Kendall and I were one of the few lucky people who received our Welcome emails on the very first wave, but I told myself that I would not enter until I finished my summer reading for AP English. So once I did, I kinda went crazy. I finished blogging at probably around 10:30pm-ish last night and so I went into Pottermore thinking that I would go to sleep at midnight, just a couple of hours later. Except that's not what happened. I went into Pottermore and the next thing I know, it's like (French the llama!) 3:40am in the morning. 

Okay, if you are still waiting for your Welcome email, I'm sorry but I'm going to nerd out here, so if you don't want to feel jealous, please leave..................................still here? Okaaayyy.
So Pottermore is AMAZING, but not in the way that I thought it would be. Some "moments" are definitely better than some, music and sound can definitely bring it up a notch, and there should be a way to communicate with other students (i.e., messaging, chat, etc.) in order for us to help each other out and actually know and meet other Potter fans. But other than that, I am loving every single part of it. The hidden Chocolate cards, shopping in Diagon Alley, learning about Jo's writing process, the awesome and super detailed background stories of some of the characters (OMG, reading about McGONAGALL's past, for me, was....gah, it's too much for words!), and so much more is just so exciting. Because we're early Beta testers, they've only opened Book 1 (you go through all the 7 books with Harry and the other characters) for us to check out so that we can help the creators improve the site before they open it to everyone on October. I can't wait!!!

So everyone, including Kendall and I were most excited about getting our own wands and being Sorted into our rightful Houses. Every fan has always wanted to experience these things and, naturally, many of us have already Sorted ourselves into our favorite houses. But Pottermore has designed a 7-question test that, if answered honestly, will tell you where you really belong. I don't know about you but I feel like this is a really big deal because I've always felt at least the teensiest bit of connection to all the four houses. Kendall's already told you that he's in Gryffindor and that I got Sorted into Slytherin last night, but more on that later.

Wands first! I said in an earlier post that I don't want a short, stumpy wand, but alas! Mr. Ollivander matched me (there is also a quiz for this) with a 10-inch wand, reasonably supple, made of aspen and unicorn hair. Apparently, people who are short for their age (the quiz asks you about your height) get the shorter wands. Aspen wands are white (they kinda look like ivory) and are generally for the most strong-minded and determined wizards and witches who either already are or will be awesome duelists. According to Ollivander, it is "a wand for revolutionaries" and that reminded me of Napoleon (haha, his height kinda works in here, too!). Wands with unicorn hair as their core are also apparently not very easily turned to the Dark Arts (A Slytherin girl with a unicorn hair wand? Interesting...). Unicorn hair wands are also very consistent, are the most faithful to their masters and can perform awesome charmwork. I like that my wand's wood and core compensate for its small size because I've always thought of myself like that: small, but not. One of the first things people notice about me is that I'm short. But some people have told me that once they got to know me, they stopped thinking of me as a short. They don't notice my height anymore. And that's because, I may be short, but I make up for it in self-confidence and (I like to think) awesomeness.

Now, Sorting! Before I took the Sorting test, I told myself, "Self, this is a once in a lifetime chance for you to find out in what House you truly belong, so answer the questions as honestly as possible." Actually, it wasn't very hard; there weren't any questions that had me going back and forth between two choices. I simply read the questions and as I looked at the choices, I was like, "No. No. No. OMG YES THAT'S SO ME. No. And No," so the choice was always pretty clear. Which brings me to the conclusion that I am not a Hatstall (you'll learn about this in Pottermore--when the Sorting Hat takes more than five minutes to decide where to put you because you're just a mix of things). Kendall said that I would probably be a Hatstall because I just have so many different qualities, but I guess the fact that I wasn't very iffy about my answers, the fact that I was super confident in all of them, proves that the Sorting Hat would have instantly known that I was a Slytherin. So...ta-daaaa!

Maybe I'm not supposed to talk about this (because only Slytherins get to read it) so I'll just address it briefly and vaguely. The welcome message basically just dispelled all the rumors that all Slytherins turn out to be Dark wizards and witches. Which is awesome because, come on, Snape was in Slytherin. So was Slughorn. And so was Merlin! You hear me? Merlin was a Slytherin! As I was reading it, however, I did get the sense that Slytherins aren't very nice (there was some insults and name-calling, but I won't say anything more than that) and I was like, "Well, what did you expect?" We have an excuse to be bad, haha! 

In the books, the Sorting Hat, in his songs, has described Slytherin house:
-"Or perhaps in Slytherin / You'll make your real friends. / Those cunning folk use any means / To achieve their ends."-"And power-hungry Slytherin / Loved those of great ambition."-"For instance, Slytherin / Took only pure-blood wizards / Of great cunning just like him." (This one is actually not completely true as Voldemort and Snape were both half-bloods.)
And of coures, we have the MoM lyrics:
-"I'm a Slytherin, I am very rich. I'll go on a date with whoever gets the snitch."-"I'm a Slytherin, the house of the Snake. Come get in my way and get tossed in the lake."-"I'm a Slytherin, the top of my class. If you disagree, I'll kick your Muggle ass."-"I'm a Slytherin, a big fan of Snape. If it's a MoM album, we have to say 'Snape'."
Slytherins are "ambitious, shrewd, cunning, strong leaders, and achievement-oriented." We have "highly developed senses of self-preservation" and we "hesitate before acting, so as to weigh all possible outcomes before deciding exactly what should be done." Cleverness, resourcefulness, and determination and "a certain disregard for rules" are important traits. I think it fits me. It really fits me. When I got Sorted, and when I read up on Slytherin and everything, I was immediately happy because I've always liked this House, but I definitely had some reservations about it. Now, I can really see myself making sibilant noises, wearing green and silver, "reppin' the House of the Snake." Then I had this faint memory of a Facebook message from someone (I couldn't remember who it was from at that moment!) that said something about me being on the dark side and I just felt like it was so fitting for the moment. I went back through my messages because I got really irritated that I couldn't remember the exact words and everything and I found it. It wasn't about being Sorted or anything, I was just answering a question about what I thought the phrase "no regrets" means:
"I'd say your definition shows that you are a very logical person; good at rationalizing, but also very honest, so you end up with the right thing anyway. This is good: with your debate and rationalizing skills, the world would be in trouble if you ever turned to the Dark Side!"
Well, guys, I'm in the house associated with the Dark Side, but I think I'll be good. You know, as "good" as any Slytherin can ever be. Which is pretty good. No worries, World, I will not destroy you. I might, you know, take over you, but there will be no destruction.

Which brings me to another point of discussion: Kendall and I have been separated by the Sorting Hat. Into rival houses, no less! Kinda like Lily Evans and Severus Snape back in 1971 (but without the Snape liking Lily part). I have to admit: this is pretty awesome.

You know what this means? It's gonna be a PARTY. 

When I found out that I was in Slytherin (I already knew you were in Gryffindor), I laughed (in my head). Of course, I immediately thought of "Wizard Love" (I like Whitney in Luke's version better, but I like Jakub in the Meekakitty version better) because of the Slytherin-and-Gryffindor story, not necessarily the romantic angle of the song.

J: Scared, Tacon?
K: You wish.
J: Good. 'Cause I ain't scared of you either. Bring it, Tacon.
K: Psh. It has ALREADY been brought, Rasay.
J: That passive sentence disgusts me. JELLY LEGS JINX!

This competition just heightened the level of Pottermore awesomeness. 

By the way, just some fun facts as of right now: Slytherin is in the lead for the House Cup (ans we will stay there, just you watch!), then Ravenclaw, then Gryffindor in third. Ravenclaw has the most students, then Hufflepuff, then Slytherin. Right now, there are 17,162 students registered.

Anyway, now that I'm officially a Slytherin, I had to go and download some Slytherin-themed songs (so, of course, lots of The Parselmouths, Draco and the Malfoys, and Slytherin Soundtrack).

What else about Pottermore? I SUCK at making potions but I am working on it (I already bought two more cauldrons, so now I have THREE!) because I don't want to be a disgrace to Snape. He is the Potions Master and the Half-Blood Prince after all. I'm gonna have to scour the past moments because I only have 9 out the 11 Chocolate frogs. 

Anyway, I have to go. That's it for now.

Here are some song that are now in my Slytherin-themed playlist:
I think this first one can work as the Slytherin rally cry (kinda, because we don't have a song like that):

It's really not half bad, being in Slytherin. It's pretty awesome:

We've got Slytherin pride, guyssssssssssssssss:

And of course, a The Parselmouths favorite:

I really loved...being Sorted into Slytherin! (This counts because it happened in the wee hours of the morning.)
I smiled...because I heard some pretty explicit Slytherin songs online and I was like, "Whoa, wait, REALLY, guys, REALLY? Ahh, people these days..."
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
Actually, this is stuck in my head right now: "Teach me how to Dobby, teach me, teach me how to Dobby..." Yeahhhh, I know. I'm a nerd.
Hours of sleep last night: 5
Hugs: 2, but the day is still young-ish!


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