Monday, August 8, 2011

Wandering Down This Road That We Call Life

I'm really glad that Jen decided to do a nerdy post. I don't feel alone in my nerdom anymore. Also, I like the fact that she finished 13 Little Blue Envelopes that quickly. Anyways, the only real thing that I have been doing over the past few hours is refreshing relentlessly at my email, waiting for my Pottermore welcome letter to come. I want to go to Hogwarts already...

Something else interesting that has happened was we got this letter in the mail, recently, talking about a bunch of the different stuff going on this year. Our SENIOR Year. It was just a lot of information, but it kind of really put into perspective how close this is. How close we are to being done with High School and on to College. I mean, every year before this, I knew what was coming. Just another boring year of regular school. But now, I have no clue what's going to happen after this year. In a year from now, I could be anywhere, and that's kind of scary. Not kind of, but ridiculously. 

Last night, I had a dream that it was the first day of school. This is the second time that it has happened. The first one was a little different, but the same gist. Both times, I didn't see what bench that we got (which is something that I am freaking out about) and I was late for classes. Like, last night, I thought that I had PE period 5, but I don't even have PE..... I later realized that I had Spanish 4 then and I rushed to class and I was late and Profe was mad at me...


Awkward Moments: 5
Books Read: 14 (Still....) 
Why Today Was Awesome: Boy Meets World
Something I Learned: Today wasn't very productive...
Song Stuck in My Head: Boy Meets World Theme Song (The later one)


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