Sunday, August 28, 2011


Schedule discussing time!! W00T!!!!!!!


Now this was the class that I was most excited for because I liked Bio back in the day and I heard about this class before and let me just say that I am enjoying it. There are a lot of reasons why I enjoy it, one of which being that for the most part, it is only our grade, which is rather refreshing since the majority of the people in my Bio and Chem classes were all in the grade below us. I really want to do well in this class, and I plan on doing so.

Now, English is my worst/most hated subject of all time. With that being said, I really like this class because I think Dr. Webb is amazing. It is a really fun class that I want to do well in, but I know that I won't because I just am terrible at English. I mean, I already got a D on the quiz that we took. *Sigh* English....

There isn't really much to say about this one. I mean, it's photo, nothing new...

Okay, I lied. Kind of. This class is tied for the class that I am most excited for. First of all, Mr. Park is a BAMF. It was a little intimidating at first because he expects us to know a lot and he goes a little fast (not that I can't keep up or anything). For example, I was scared for our first quiz because I thought it was going to be really hard, but when I got it, it was ridiculously easy. Like, too easy. So I'm hoping things continue to go that way. Also, there are 25 people in my class. That is the BIGGEST class I have EVER had in the past 3 years. EVER. I think he said that there are 73 people taking PCH this year. WHY IS THE GRADE BELLOW US SO FREAKING SMART INTERROBANG GET OUT OF HERE!!! 

Double Party.

Meh. I took this class because I knew it would be easy. It is. 

Hmm... I don't really know what to say about this class. Profe is cool, I like her, but she does seem intimidating. I can understand what she is saying, but when she asks me to speak, I pretty much can't. Oh well. We watched a really funny video in her class, that was fun. I guess I'll see how this one goes.

As for Jen's post on taking risks. I totally agree with everything she said in her mini novella. I mean, I feel like there were some deep, underlying motives in there somewhere that I didn't get, but for the literal, outside layer of what she said, I agree. 

Want to read 15 lines of blank verse that I had to write for Shakespeare? Too bad, you have to hear it anyway. (I apologize for the terribleness of it, remember, I'm no good at English.)

I watch as time proceeds to drift away,
the soul of my dear friend is leaving us.
He may have lived a good life filled with love,
but like all other beings, his page turns.
I want to read ahead, the very end,
does hold the truth I am seeking for now.
While it may hold the truth of all to come, 
I stop myself since the ending still looms.
I do not want to have to say goodbye,
but if he stays nothing will ever change.  
And if we do not change, we do not grow,
without said growth, there is no point at all.
Goodbye to thee, at last you must now go,
sweet youth I will miss you and what we had,
but now it’s time for life and what it brings. 

Awkward Moments: 21
Books Read: 17
Why Today Was Awesome: Lazy Sunday
Something I Learned: Too much learning so far
Song Stuck in My Head: My head is kind of empty right now 


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