Sunday, August 14, 2011

Confessions Much?

For the past couple of days, I have had Hank's voice stuck inside my head. The weird thing is that only one lines seems to be stuck, not the whole song. Right now, he keeps singing "Drinkin' your cheap wine" over and over again, like a broken record. But it's not annoying.

Anyway, I had an idea of what I wanted to write about today but I forgot it because I've been waiting to go on my computer for quite a while. Shayne was using it to finish her PowerPoint presentation about chemistry stuff. She's been interning this whole summer at UH's chemistry department and she's finally wrapping up with a presentation in a couple of days. Yay, Shayne! Fun fact: She helped work on a research on something called the "Pot Project"--yeahhh.

So Tumblr's newest craze is the whole cover-the-eyes-with-confessions thing. And I have to admit, it's kinda cool. I'm already following confessions on Harry Potter, Nerdfighters, and StarKid. I've even submitted a couple already (anonymously, of course, because they're pretty embarrassing) and the creators even made a comment in response to my nerdfighter-related confession. Which, in Kendall's words (I think), "made me feel all cool" of course.

I walked around the neighborhood with Josh for the first time in weeks today because of this whole surgery business. Usually, when Josh goes running, he listens to his iPod. But when I go with him, I force him to chatter along with me. That's what sibs do.

When I started this blog post, Kendall was working on his incredibly long blog post so I'm gonna end this here so I can go and read that now.

I'm excited because I get to see Kendall for the first time tomorrow ever since I stopped working earlier this summer! He's probably not that excited because he's just not like that, but oh well, I can be excited for the both of us! WOO!

I really loved..."drinkin' your cheap wine..."
I smil--SCRATCH THAT. I FRICKIN' LAUGHED SO MUCH...because my mom is HIGH-larious. See my other blog for more.
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"...but he moans for brains and then there's hunger in his eyes. OH MAN I HATE HATE FREAKIN' ZOMBIES..." (I Love You by All Caps)
Hours of sleep: 7
Hugs: 2


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