Wednesday, August 10, 2011

But I Love Pandee...

Sup y'all. Oh. That was kind of awkward. So uhhhhhhhhhh I went to the library today! And I FINALLY got Dash and Lily's Book of Dares. I want to read it SOOOO badly, but I am forcing myself not to. I really need to finish (okay, start) Much Ado About Nothing first because that is kind of more important. But it is a good incentive to get me to start reading Much Ado About Nothing

Misleading Pottermore email made me grumpy this morning. #firstworldproblems

I'm hungry, but the food on my table is too far away from where I'm sitting. #firstworldproblems

This squishy chair sucks, it makes my butt hurt. #firstworldproblems

It's hot, but I won't open a window because then people will hear me when I sing to myself. #fisrtworldproblems

I went to a terrible party last week. They only had German imported bananas, I wanted Russian ones. #firstworldproblems

So as you guys can see, my life is over. Bye.

Awkward Moments: 6
Books Read: 15 
Why Today Was Awesome: I'm gonna be unoriginal and say Charlie's video because I agree that it was awesome. 
Something I Learned: The AP Bio book is kind of ridiculous. And when I say kind of, I mean a lot of. 
Song Stuck in My Head: You'd laugh if I told you...


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