Sunday, August 14, 2011

Longest Post Ever? Maybe....

Instructions: Watch the following video FIRST. Then come back and read the accompanying blog post. 

Now that you watched it, let me tell you about it. Some information to know beforehand: there were three groups of people who went: 1) the Newbies, or the new freshmen (30 or so), 2) the Mentors, or the existing freshmen (30 or so), 3) and the Mentors, a group of older students and alumni (around 13). The way that you can tell people apart is their shirts. The Newbies were all wearing the Go Raiders shirts, and the Mentors and Buddies were wearing iZap shirts (I got a green one, W00T!!) 

So the Mentors and Buddies had to arrive an hour early at 8:00 to get ready to greet the Newbies at the front. We just sat around for a little, playing different games like Egyptian War (which was a favorite for the sleepover) and such. The Newbies began to arrive around 9 and soon Seto Hall was filled with little groups of mingling and awkward conversation. To break the awkward, we got them to play different games like Wa Wa Shwing, Zoo, and Twister. 

After everyone had arrived and a good deal of people became acquainted with one another, Mr. U called everyone together into a big group for some form of activities. What activities you ask? I have no idea. This was when Rachel and I went out to go place the clues around campus for the Scavenger Hunt. Let me just say that the advice that Jen gave me (such as sorting out the clues by location, and writing down what I needed to say) proved to be really helpful, even though I didn't do it at first. One thing that did happen when we were putting the clues in the counseling office was that we met our new councilor, Mr. Tom, and he seems pretty cool. By the time we got back, the group was doing various "get to know each other" games. Rachel and I joined in on the fun and got to meet some of the Newbies through finger games, alphabetical groups, and hugs. 

Then it was time for the Scavenger Hunt. Mr. U split the Newbies up into teams and I took the mic, and explained what was going on. I then passed out the clues and answer keys to each team's accompanying Mentor, and let them go. At first, I tried to follow them, but they seemed like they were doing a good job, so I went back to Seto to engage in a rousing game of Apples to Apples with some Buddies and Mentors. The first group back was Mini's. They only took about 15 minutes and this was because they decided to run. The ENTIRE thing. They were in it to win it. And they did, so good job. I was able to film a couple of the groups when they returned, so you guys could see what crazy things that Jen had them do when they came back, but I wasn't able to get them all. (For the record, they didn't all do them correctly.) The rest of the groups took about 30 minutes or so to get back and the overall response about the Scavenger Hunt, that I heard, was that it was really good. The clues weren't too easy or too hard, it allowed them to get familiar with the campus, and they were able to get from place to place without too much trouble. Overall, it was a success, so good job Jen, for helping to make an AWESOME Scavenger Hunt. 

After the Scavenger Hunt, we had a guest come in to speak to us. She graduated a few years ago, and she talked about how this is such a prime opportunity to thrive. It was really inspirational and heart warming, and I hoped that the Newbies really listened to what she had to say. Right after, Mr. U had us Mentors go up front and had each one of us talk about how to be successful at our school. I was last, so I had to think of something original to say, but I ended up talking about how important a positive attitude was.

After this, we took a break and ate lunch, sandwiches and chips. It was a nice time for everyone to socialize and get to know each other better. Right after lunch, we all trudged down to the front of the school to get to the buses that were going to take us to the Hawaii Nature Center, for our service project. There were two buses, and the one that I got on, the bus driver was crazy. He made 14-year-olds sit boy-boy, girl-girl. I mean, honestly? 

So we got there and we helped cut plants, move rocks, and trek across rivers. I think that this was especially helpful for the Newbies to bond with each other because it is really easy to bond and relate to someone who is suffering through something with you. Once we were done, we were given some delicious pink lemonade and then the buses took us back to school, where we had an hour break to take showers and just chill. During this time, Rachel, Evan, myself, and junior Myka (pronounced Micah) had a nice little chat by the pool, to prevent the small childs from jumping in, even though we wanted to. 

After our break, we all gathered in a big circle and talked about different people's questions and concerns about coming to our school. I answered a question about Chapel and what it's like and how it's important to listen. Then, Mr. U handed the Newbies a picture of a little kid about to jump off a diving board. He told them that this was the position that they were in and then made them all sign each other's pictures as a reminder. At this time he also gave them this year's yearbook so they could get to know their classmates and different activities around campus. 

We then went to go eat dinner in the cafeteria where they got to know what it's like to go through the lunch line during a real school lunch. The dinner was spaghetti, and it was all right. The time was spent talking about Epic Meal Time and fighting. 

We went back to Seto and Mr. U showed them different videos of the different activities that happen during the year such as Cheerfest and Lip Sync. During this time, us Mentors went to go change into our outfits for the fashion show that Marina and Evan put on. The point of it was to teach the Newbies about the dress code. I was wearing regular, in dress code, school clothes, with the exception of slippers, which are out of dress code. One by one, we all went out and did a little strut and dance to "Billy Jean". I'm not really gonna talk about what I did, but if you want to know, there is a picture of it on Evan's facebook (if you actually know who he is). 

After the awesome Fashion Show, we gave the Newbies their schedules and had them get together with people in their classes so they could get a sense of who was in their classes. We also answered more questions and gave advice about different teachers and such. From this point on, the night was basically free time. There were many games played, such as an amazingly intense game of Jenga (you don't even know), some twister, Egyptian War, Cinnamon Toothpicks (those were AMAZING! They burned your mouth!! Thank you Luke), Gossip Seshs, Pillow Stealing, and other general shennanigans. This was a good time to see how much some of them had bonded. It was nice to see that almost everyone had made friends and that the sleepover was going well. 

When it was time for bed, the different genders went to their respective sides (kind of) and we watched Mr. and Mrs. Smith on the giant projector screen. As for sleeping, Seto is kind of really cold and uncomfortable, so not everyone got the best night's sleep, but it was fine. I'm not exactly looking forward to the fact that we get to sleep there again in a few weeks, but oh well...

In the morning, we had the infamous Mr. U wake up, blasting "The Circle of Life". I was already kind of awake when he played it, so I didn't get the full effect, but I still love how he does that. After a groggy wake up, we ate a mediocre breakfast of muffins and granola bars (which was excusable since the sleepover had already cost a buttload of money) and concluded the morning with a few more activities. Nothing really that exciting happened that morning, it was mainly just more social time. It was also a good time to reflect on how the sleepover went. Mr. U asked us Mentors, on a scale of 1-100, how we thought it went. The average number was around 88 or so and we thought this was because it was really good, it served its purpose in helping the kids get to know each other and the school better. But there were some fine details that could have been worked out better. But then again, this was the first time that this had been done, so hopefully next time, it will be even better. Personally, I think that I could have done better, but I still think that I helped and I am just grateful that Mr. U even asked me to help out. 

One thing about the kids real quick. There was this one Newbie, who when I looked at, I thought was Jen because they looked really similar. And there was another kid, who kind of looked like me, especially since he was kind of on his own for a while. Just an interesting observation. 

Jen, it sucks that you couldn't come, but I hope that you know that you were still a big part of it with the Scavenger Hunt. And also, Mr. U is providing Mochiko Chicken to everyone who participated in the sleepover on the first day of school, and I'm sure that he will let you have some too since you still helped. 

Awkward Moments: 10
Books Read: 15 
Why Today Was Awesome: Lazy Day
Something I Learned: I'm too awkward for people to call me. (Ha ha jk, kind of)
Song Stuck in My Head: Well now it's "The Lazy Song" by Bruno Mars because I put "Lazy Day" earlier. 


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