Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Light Me Up Another Cigarette

Remember when I posted a super emotional post right after I (finally) finished Mayflower last summer, talking about how I suffered and then triumphed over such a monstrous book? Well, I don't think Crime and Punishment deserves something like that. I was overjoyed when I (finally) finished reading Mayflower because it was painful, painful, painful. The book was interesting, but it did not make me THINK. It was something that had to be read, and so I read it. Crime and Punishment is different. Despite the fact that my previous posts have been all, "I HAVE TO FUGGING FINISH THIS NOW," I have actually been enjoying the story. Well, to tell you the truth, the story started off slowly, then once it picked up its pace, I was really into it. I'm overjoyed that I've finally finished it in time, but not in the same way that I was overjoyed to finish Mayflower because C&P actually pushed me to think, to reflect, and to learn--all the things that makes me love books. And I'm sad that the story's over! Looking forward to talking about hats and prostitutes and axe murderers in AP English next week. It sounds like a party. Because it is.

Yes, so I've finished Crime and Punishment and I am now going to indulge myself in a couple of hours of blogging and Pottermore. Hopefully, I get sorted tonight. Then, tomorrow, it's time for Decision in Philadelphia. It's for AP Gov and I'm just going to power through this book in the next two days--POUND, POUND, POUND--and I won't stop until it's over. 

I finally woke up from my incredibly and ridiculously long bout of "PASSIVITY" (a deadly mix of non-activity, silent reveries, those evil Idle Hands, Idon'twannagobacktoschoolyet-itis, and being-a-pro-at-crastinating). I think it was because I went to put my books in my locker today (I have an official middle locker this year. Last year, I took an empty middle locker because I was assigned to a bottom locker.) and it hit me: "FRENCH THE LLAMA, I AM GOING TO BE A SENIOR ON MONDAY." 

Just a fun fact: right when I typed "FRENCH THE LLAMA" above, I heard this weird voice in my head that was like, "No, no, no, there will be no Frenching of llamas here..." My head cracks me up.

I really loved...waking up.
I smiled...just because (do you need a real reason to smile?).
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
None. But I do have the following lyrics stuck in my head, on repeat:
"I'll light you up another cigarette, and pour you a glass of Strawberry Hill. You said, 'To be continued,' but now, it never will..." (Before and After by Lena, Lauren, and Kristina)
Hours of sleep last night: 5
Hugs: 1 (ONLY ONE?!?!)


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