Saturday, August 6, 2011

Settling In

WARNING: This blog post contains an excess of nerd content. If you can't handle it, or you are too cool for it, please exit out of this blog right now. Thank you for your cooperation. 

Have you guys ever played Settlers of Catan? For those of you who don't know (not that that is even possible) Settlers of Catan is one of the most AMAZING board games to date. It's kind of hard to describe the gameplay of it, other than it is pure awesome, but basically, you have to get 10 victory points by building cities or settlements. You do that by collecting different resources from around the board. 

When I was a kid, I would go over to my friend Christopher's house and we would always play different games and things of that nature. One of the games that we would play often was Settlers of Catan. Let me just say this, it was freaking fun. We didn't play it every time I went over, but when we did, it got intense. His dad would always play with us, which probably made it a little more difficult because he was a grown intellectual, while we were just 10-year-old kids, but still, fun. 

Since then, I haven't ever really played it. Until recently when our friend Gavin mentioned playing it with his cousins or something. When I heard the name I immediately perked up and we decided that we needed to have a battle to the death. Now, it hasn't happened yet, but I have been preparing. I went and played an online version of the game to become re-familiarzed with it and to hone my skills. 

Now. I hope he finds me. 'Cause when he does, I'm going to be ready. When he does, I'm going to kill him. (Or just beat him...) POA FTW!!!

Awkward Moments: 2 (My life isn't that awkward when I am in my room. By myself. All day.)
Books Read: 14
Why Today Was Awesome: Berries 
Something I Learned: I need the silver gauntlets...
Song Stuck in My Head:
"I Am Who I Am" by The Cab


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