What We've Done

Vlog during college! (NaNo 2012!!!)

SWINGS! (On multiple occasions... Right?)

Jollibee! (Right before Kendall left for college!)

Positive Pranking! (We went up in Manoa for a project with Barnesie!)

Play ding-dong ditch (Also a part of the Positive Pranking with Barnesie!)

Go to the school chapel lanai at night (umm take some pictures for evidence...) (Fair Weekend!)

Share a grapefruit for breakfast (It was a part of one of Kendall's Gifts)

29 Gifts Challenge - February 2012 (http://dft.ba/-29giftschallengeinfo)

Project 4 Awesome 2011: Ovarian Cancer Research Fund (http://dft.ba/-ourp4a2011vidforocrf)

BEDA(ugust) 2011!

Play with BIG bubbles ('Cause that's what we cool people do after taking three SAT Subject tests in a row . . . no big deal, you know?)

KARAOKE! (We actually did this at the end of sophomore year/beginning of Summer '10 with our leadership class. But we didn't update The List. Kendall didn't really sing a lot and/or wholeheartedly, though.)

Win an award at the end of the year for our student council committee with Rachel/Nutmeg (Faculty Relations Individual!!!)

Kendall: Find and eat a Filipino dish that you like (Nilagang baka)

BEDA(pril) 2011!

Go to prom together (C/O 2012 Junior Prom: A Night of Mystery at Honolulu Country Club)

Slow dance with each other (Song: It Might Be You by Stephen Bishop)

Post a video on YouTube (this is a late update...but our P4A video counts! See below for the link . . .)

(Jen) Make a 17th birthday scavenger hunt/puzzle thing for Kendall's 17th brithday

(Kendall) Make a 17th birthday scavenger hunt/puzzle thing for Jen's 17th birthday 
Project 4 Awesome 2010: AMPUCAMhttp://dft.ba/-ourP4AAmpucampvideo (That's for you, Summer!)

Fight with each other...legitly. (It wasn't fun...let's not do it again.)

Tie dye white shirts (During hippie/peace day on Homecoming '10-'11)

Dress up all-out for all Dress Days during Homecoming Week (TWICE! Junior and senior years!)

BEDA(ugust) 2010!!!
Make fake blood (We did it for the same teacher we did the scavenger hunt for because his favorite liquid is blood)

Draw a geometric design on the sidewalk using only string, chalk, straight-edges (Gee-I'm-A-Tree!!!)

Survive our sophomore year of high school (2 down, 2 more to go...)

Make an epic scavenger hunt around school for a teacher during our sophomore year (MUSH!)

Eat Sbarro pizza (Thanks Mr. U!!!)

For Jen only: Make a 16th birthday scavenger hunt around school for Chewy (The theme was Percy Jackson and The Olympians plus all of our inside jokes so far...)

For Kendall only: Make a 16th birthday scavenger hunt around school for Fruity (It was pretty epic...)

Make Filipino paper parols for Christmas (We made a bagillion of them...too...tired...to...count...too...many...parols...)

Survive freshman year of high school (Yay...)

Talk on the phone for more than two hours without any awkward pauses or silences

Write a hard-hitting expose, star ratings included, on all school bathrooms for the school paper (A whole page!)

Create a blog (You're lookin' at it!)


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