Thursday, August 18, 2011

'Cause baby I'm a Gryffindor and girl you are a Slytherin

Well this is awkward... Like, so awkward that it deserves to count as an awkward moment on my awkward moment counter. I'm a Gryffindor, if you guys didn't know. And now, Jen was just sorted last night and she is a Slytherin.... We are officially enemies. This includes late night duels, intense quidditch matches, house cup rivalries, and so much more hatred. The first thing that I thought when I saw that Jen was in Slytherin was "Scared Potter?" You may be winning the House Cup right now, but we will be the ones with eternal glory!

Sorry for the nerd moment there. I got a little carried away. The party last night was meh. I had to keep the dog under control the whole night, which meant that I had to run with her up and down the street so she would get tired. It didn't really work that well. Yesterday, I did do something cool though. We have a problem of our puppy getting loose in our backyard because there is a gap between our side wall and our back wall, which is why we usually keep her on a leash when she goes outside. But when people come over, she escapes easily because people are stupid, soooo I took a box, cut off one side of it, and attached to the hole in the wall. It isn't really a permanent fix, but it was enough to stop her from escaping last night, and I'm not gonna lie, I'm kind of proud of it. 

Sacrificial socks. Kind of like Rawk Sock. It's the socks that you use when you are doing something dirty or rugged. It's a funny thought, putting your socks in some sort of classification from socks that you wear you want to look hot to socks that you wear when you don't care. Poor socks, they deserve better. 

So you know that feeling, when you get up too fast and everything is all fuzzy and stuff? Well one time, it happened, and it was so bad that I was about to throw up, my hearing was gone, I couldn't see anything..... Yeah, it was bad. But then I sat down and I was good. That was a fun story right? Right....

So since I found out that I'm a Gryffindor, I've been listening to "Gryffindor Rally Cry". It is officially my new theme song. "Who we fighting for GRYFFINDOR! Giving it all for the Red and Gold!" AWWWW YEAH.

Awkward Moments: 15
Books Read: 15 
Why Today Was Awesome: Weasley is our King!
Something I Learned: I have a new enemy. 
Song Stuck in My Head: "Wizard Love" (The Luke version)


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