Monday, April 25, 2011

Believe Me, I'm Lying

Mmmm, I had a bunch of ideas that I wanted to talk about after our Items from the Memory Box(es) Week. And I was really excited about them. But I'm not really feeling up to it right now. And I really wanna feel up to it when I write about things I care about, you know?

But I also feel like I should put a lot of effort into this post, just because Kendall is a big cheating cheater of cheatery for taking his Creative Writing class homework and passing it off as a blog post. He also started a new thing at the bottom part of his posts, "Email Subject of the Day." Kendall has, in his Yahoo! account, every single email between us since we started emailing each other our freshman year. I know, that only makes about three years' worth of emails but, actually, Kendall and I used to send more than thirty emails between each other every night so HA! And being the random people that we are, we always had weird subject titles. And I guess he's just picking a random one every day? Or maybe he's actually going to the matching dates (as in the email thread of April 25, 2010 is the email subject of the day)? I don't know. But yeah, we don't email each other that much anymore (that's what Facebook is for, silly) unless we're sending each other huge files or documents. 

Soo....analogy time. Fair warning: I'm not good at analogies. There are a couple of times when I luck out on a good analogy but these moments are rare. So let's try one for why I'm just not in the mood to write awesome posts tonight:

Let's say that you're a book, and you are one of the favorite books of your owner (note that you're only one of the favorites--there are many others--because we have quite the avid reader here). Your owner's taste changes a lot from time to time depending on what he's doing in school, his friends' suggestions, what's popular and all that. So one day, he could pick you up and read you for hours. But then the next day, he could just ignore you on the bookshelf and pick up another book to read for hours. How does that feel? Feels terrible right? Well, one day, he picks you up to read. Then the next day, he reads you again. And then he reads a couple more chapters the next day. This lasts for a couple of weeks and you're so happy that he's finally shown you so much attention after you've been sitting in the bookshelf for such a long time, wishing that he'd pick you up to read at least a couple of your pages. Then one day, your owner throws a party. And so a lot of people come over and one of your owners' friends suggests a book for him to read. And your owner's like, "Oh wait, I think I have that book!" He goes off to search for that book, and sure enough, he does have it, and it's one of his favorite books (a.k.a. one of the "many others"). So he reads that book at the party all night long (yeah, what a nerd). Now how does that feel? Still terrible? Okay, so one of his friends asks to borrow the book and he's all, "Okay!" Then everyone leaves and he gets bored so he looks around and sees you. Then he comes over and picks you up and tries to read a couple of pages. But he can't read anymore because you explode in his hands because you're all, "What the---?! You read me for two weeks, and you're several chapters away from the end, and then you just pick up another book and read that? And then when you get bored, and don't have that other book anymore, only then do you pick me up to try to read a couple of pages?!?!?!?!"

Yep, I hear crickets. Well, that analogy died an unnatural death. Moral? Books don't like it when they're your second choice.

I really loved...golden snitch sillybands.
I smiled because...see that Refresh icon up there? Yeah, it made me smile. Just once though.
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"...I want you to notice when I'm not around. You're so very special. I wish I was special..."
(Creep by Radiohead----gaahh, one of my favorite songs of all time!)
Hours of sleep last night: 4 hours, 15-ish minutes
Times it got COLD: 5 friggin' times
Friend of the day: Kendall

--Jen :)

P.S. No worries, I'm hoping that this bout of depression will end soon so I can end the month with awesome posts!


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