Friday, April 22, 2011

Friday: A Special Valentine

Day 22!

I love our 'Iolani Policy Team. I love my siblings-slash-teammates, going to our weekly tribal conclaves, filling up our dear boxes with precious evidence cards, hanging out with our best-friends in the I-Lab (the three printers!) and creating the Amateur Bit of Screenplay Writing series. Oh, and let's not forget about The Scrabble Man!

I can go on and on about 'Iolani Policy. But the best part of being an 'Iolani Policy debater is probably the fact that we are fortunate enough to serve the Debate Goddess (and, to some extent, the illustrious Debate God, too). We were the Faithful Minions, forever subservient to the Debate Gods (no, really, that's what we called ourselves). But, last year was the very first season when we didn't have a Policy coach. We are, to this day, "on our own."

The Ang(e), a.k.a The Debate Goddess, graduated from grad school last school year (I think, or did she graduate the year before last?). Anyway, she is a full-fledged attorney now (with legit calling cards and a secretary at her beck and call--the whole enchilada!), and a working gal like her just doesn't have the time to coach high school debaters. 

But that didn't stop us from calling her, texting her, stalking her on Facebook, emailing her, or meeting up with her on weekends at Starbucks to discuss social services, single mothers and America's poverty problem.

On The Ang(e)'s birthday last year, she received a package of chocolate-dipped strawberries (awww!) and, from what we heard, a really passionate greeting card (ooh la la!). According to her, the contents of the card were "enough to make [her] blush." She didn't tell us what it said because she deemed its contents to be "inappropriate" and then she claimed that we "should already know what it said because [we] wrote it!"

Yes, she accused us of sending them to her! Really, now? I mean, REALLY? She seriously believed that four high school girls (Thuy Ny, Shayne, Ashlyn and I) are capable of ordering a box of chocolate-covered strawberries from Edible Arrangements, writing a seriously scandalous love letter, and sending them all to her office at a law firm (at a law firm!) for her birthday.

We don't love her THAT much.

Anyway, she refused to believe us when we told her we had nothing to do with it. I mean, she told us that the card was signed by The Scrabble Man, so we had no idea why she kept pointing the finger at us when the card clearly said the strawberries were from The Scrabble Man! Geez. You would expect that a fine lawyer like her would understand simple English (it was written on the card!), but no, she had to be all analytical about it like the ex-'Iolani Policy debater that she is and assume that there was much more to it than The Scrabble Man. I mean, really, why would we, her faithful Minions, entangle ourselves with her private love life? 

About a week later, after the awards assembly at the 'Iolani Debate Tournament, a nice woman (I can't remember who it was, I think it was an 'Iolani parent...) came up to us carrying four roses and four cards with each of our names. And the card with my name is today's item from the Memory Box!

The contents of my card are as follows:

To my beloved Jen--

Although you are the tiniest of The Minions, my feelings for you dwarf your small stature. Although you are the youngest of the chosen ones, my love for you is as old as the ages.

I know your heart lies elsewhere, but I can only hope against hope that you value our precious moments together as much as I do. Until that day when we can again be reunited...

Thank you and Happy Valentine's Day!

Love, The Debate God

See, that last part (the signature) caused much confusion among the four of us because we first guessed that The Ang(e) was behind all of it. But it was signed "The Debate God" and that meant that the cards were from one of our other coaches, Mr. T (because he is undoubtedly the Debate God)! But when we asked him about it, he just laughed. Really loudly. And then he pointed at The Ang(e) who, in turn, denied all of our accusations.

So who is this sweet valentine really from? It has to be from The Ang(e) because she had a clear motive to do it--she blamed us for all the teasing that she got from her officemates about the strawberries and the scandalous card (which, she told us, they passed around and read among themselves waaayyy before she even arrived at the office for the day). But the cards said "The Debate God." It can't be Mr. T because he wouldn't single out the Policy team for something like this.

I guess I'll never really know. But, I have to admit, this is by far the best valentine I have ever received.

I really loved...lunch at Shakey's Pizza Parlor.
I smiled because...I remembered a lot of awesome things about The Ang(e) while writing this post.
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"When you don't understand the walls that break your hopes of going home, the truth hurts a lot more when it's from someone that you love..."
(Dancing With a Ghost by Hawk Nelson)
Hours of sleep last night: 9-10 hours
Times it got COLD today: N.O.N.E. And I don't feel so bad about it. I feel sad, but not terribly sad.
Friend of the day: Jesus, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and who died for me today "so I could one day pray for [him] to save my life."

--Jen :)


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