Thursday, April 7, 2011

Let's Go Go Go and Just Row Row Row

So that whole thing about spanish was a joke? Are you sure? Because I was totally freaking out about that. Jerk. You better not be lying. If you are lying, bad things man, bad things will happen. This is one of the things that I freak out about. Talking in front of people. Well, it's not really the act of speaking in front of a lot of people, it's more of my word choice. I always get really self-concious about what I am going to say, so whenever I have to say something in class, like if we are going around sharing answers or something, I have to repeat what I am going to say in my head over and over. 

Today, I got to leave campus two times for class. The first was for photography. We took a little field trip and walked around, taking pictures of random things. The best part about it, though, was that we all had to shoot digital, so I was able to use the AWESOME SLR that she has. It was so much fun! I love that camera. Then, in PE we went to Jamba Juice, which is always a good time because I love Jamba Juice and I haven't done the Jamba run since last year. 

Also today I vowed that in one years time, I will know how to play the piano well. I have always wanted to play an instrument, but I never really have. I really want to do this, so you must keep me on track. Like, make sure I practice and such. I really want to be able to play an instrument!!

Geez, what is up with me and the short posts lately, I need more things to talk about. Like how in spanish class today, Senora let us make our own tortillas. It was cool, I didn't know that that was possible. I like tacos. Just sayin'. Also, this is stuck in my head. She is awesome. Okay, I think that that's enough for know. I need to go study for my history test.

Oh and one last thing, here is a question of the day: Do you, personally,  use "effect" as a verb? 

Awkward Moments: 7
Pages Read: 167
Why Today Was Awesome: I took a nap. (Gasp! This is a reason why today is awesome!?! [If you don't know what I am speaking of, please click here?])


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