Sunday, April 10, 2011

Vinegar Hands

Day 10!

I spent six hours in the Student Center today working for the General Store in preparation for the 'Iolani Fair this coming weekend!

First, we packed some pickled onions. Oh, it looked so good. And with the chili peppers, aiiiyyyyooo. But my hands still smell like vinegar.

Then we made Tiffie's guri guri. I've never tried guri guri, and if you don't know what that is, here's a link. I think it's a cross between ice cream and ice cake. There were two flavors, orange and strawberry, and we made batch after batch after batch...they all smelled so good. I think I'll try to make some this summer. The recipe wasn't too hard.

Then came the hardest part of the day: coconut and pineapple cookies. Scoop dough, roll into balls, chill trays, take out trays, press cookies, place pineapples, smooth edges, then into the oven! We didn't do all of that at the same time, though, but it was, to quote another volunteer, "labor intensive."

Now if you know me, then you know about my irrational...fear...or more like apprehension...for pineapples. We used candied pineapples, but STILL. It's the same thing!

While we worked in the morning, some other workers were cooking the huli beef in the kitchen. And I'm a carnivore, and Is loves mes mys proteins, and it smelled like HEAVEN.

Anyway, it was a hard day, but it was also fun at the same time. I've never really gone (legitly) to the family fair before because States has always been on the same weekend, so I don't really know what I'm missing every year. Which is sad if you really think about it. Working pre-fair shifts every year kind of reminds me of that--I get to bake cookies, but I don't get to enjoy them at the fair with my friends. And I also realize, whenever I work before the fair, just how much work and effort goes into these two days of fair fun.

Moving on, Kendall alluded to something obnoxious that he does in his post yesterday. He tends to correct/laugh at me whenever I don't do or say something that he does differently. And yes, I do get annoyed sometimes, but it's not like I don't annoy him either. Actually, I think one of the obnoxious things that I do to him is that I tend to complain about my stress a lot to him. I don't usually complain to anyone else but him. So I am going to have to work on that, too.

And yes, we've been having more views lately! And that's awesome! But that may just mean that there are only one or two of you who just keep coming back. Which is still awesome! If you don't know Kendall, or if you have never talked to him, please do so! You don't know what you're missing!

Okay, I have to get back to my homework now.

If you can, make sure that you go to the 'Iolani Fair this weekend, April 14-15, Pa'ina in Paradise. There will be great food, games, entertainment and fun! And please support the Junior Class of 2012 by buying malasadas! Go Raiders!

I really loved...special limited-edition OREOS!
I smiled because...of that cookie dough smell!
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"...I wanna show you a different emotion..."
(Have You Ever Been by Jimi Hendrix)
Hours of sleep last night: 6 (slept late)
Times it got COLD today: 0...well, maybe 0.5. Ahh, never mind. 0!
Friend(s) of the day: Pre-fair shift workers

--Jen :)


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