Friday, April 29, 2011

Las cifras secretas

The beginning of awesome posts sequence starts.....NOW!

I had a really good day today. 

I think it started off last night, actually. I had a really good night--productive, organized, efficient, and peppered with a couple of awesome songs here and there. And it was a pretty chilly night. Perfect. I finished my British Literature paper, studied for APUSH, and studied for Spanish. After my failure the night before, this was an AWESOME night.
Score: 3 points

Then my morning kicked off with a practice multiple choice test for APUSH. At 7:30 (so we missed homeroom)! And I felt good about it. It wasn't one of those APUSH-y moments when I'm like, "WHAT THE--HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THE ANSWER TO THAT QUESTION?!" 
Score: 2 points
SUBTOTAL: 5 points

Then I had a free period and I had my meeting with our college counselor, Mr. Fleming. I got my college list and it's meh. It's really short and random. But it didn't unmake my day so far at that point. Plus, I studied Spanish culture for my Spanish test the next period.
Score: 1 point
SUBTOTAL: 6 points

I had my last test of the quarter for Spanish today. Before, I excelled in the subject but now I'm just so-so. Because of AP Phys B and APUSH, I put Spanish in the second level of my priority list this year which is a shame because Level 3H should have been easier than 2H was last year. Anyway, I haven't been doing my best or even my regular in quizzes and previous tests, so I really needed to pull off an amazing grade with this test (hence all the studying the night before). And, again, I felt good about. Thankfully there was no translation, but there was a full page of culture. I knew all of the answers except for one, I think¿Cómo se dice "in a jiffy" en español? 
Score: 2 points
SUBTOTAL: 7 points

I was on time for Dr. Webb's class today! I bested that daily trek from N-208 all the way to W-301 like it was one of Shakespeare's sonnets. I'm late to Dr. Webb's class 99.96% of the time. So this isn't just a WIN, it's a WIN-WIN-WIN-WIN!
Score: 3 points ( minus 1 for that failed analogy...)
SUBTOTAL: 9 points

At this point, I thought that Physics class would ruin my awesome streak because
1) We had a Physics quiz today,
2) I didn't study for said Physics quiz,
3) another review worksheet was due today, and 
4) I hadn't even started said review worksheet yet. 
But everything turned out well because:
1 and 2) Physics quiz today = collaborative = happiness!
3 and 4) Lunch, free period, scholarship period = lots of time to do HW.
Bonus 5) 100% on yesterday's quiz! Justice... :)
Score: 5 points
SUBTOTAL: 14 points

I didn't really have any more classes after this--just Physics craziness as usual over lunch and the period after that. Then I had scholarship period, and I had a talk with Mrs. Ohira. I love our talks--I always feel so relieved and happy after.
Score: 3 points
SUBTOTAL: 17 points

Precalculus? I relearned stuff. Great and fun proving trigonometric identities stuff.
Score: 1 point
SUBTOTAL: 18 points

After school? I turned in Physics HW (yes!) and finished Precalc HW for the weekend by my locker (another yes!). I love productivity.
Score: 2 points
SUBTOTAL: 20 points

20 points?! I expected a lot more--hmmm, I guess I exaggerated earlier. But I really do feel good about today!

On another note...the new trailer for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 came out this week. Shayne and Josh have watched it and they've been very careful around me, just whispering to each other. Kendall was dying to talk about it yesterday and in one of his previous posts--but I just turned up the volume on my iPod. Try as hard as I might, however, I've already heard bits and pieces about it--*sigh*--really now, people. I don't want spoilers!

I am determined not to watch any previews or sneak peeks or trailers of HPDH, Part 2 at all. When I watch the movie this summer, I want it to be the first time that I see everything. Technically, I've already seen parts of it because one of the first ever trailers of HPDH before Part 1 came out was for both parts. But NO MORE! :)

Let's move on to another topic, shall we? What to talk about...hmmm...

So everyone's been doing this status on Facebook where you like the status and the "status-poster" answers a series of questions about the "liker." It's pretty crazy how everyone's doing it, really, but I ended up putting it as my status just because I actually wanted to write those things to people. I'm sure others just put it as their status...just because. Am I still a conformist? Oh well, a little conformism here and there isn't bad.

We have prom tomorrow. I'm not sure if I should be excited as I don't really know what to expect. I'm just all meh about it.

Um, I'm going to school tomorrow for a Physics help session. Yeah. Um.

This is really awkward now because I have nothing else to talk about. Oh, wait, I have that draft here online that has a list of my ideas...wait, let me check it.

Okay, scenario-making. I ask myself "What if?" so many times in a day. I don't think it's possible to be a terrible imaginator (let's pretend that that's a real word and that it means "someone who imagines or uses his/her imagination), but I think it's definitely possible (and encouraged!) to strive to be a better one! And the only way you can do that is through practice and risk-taking. Your imagination gets better as you live through specific experiences and learn lessons along the way. But all of that is useless if you don't ask yourself "What if?" and constantly create alternate scenarios in your head every single day. It's actually more fun if you stay within the bounds of reason and practicality because you're forced to find actual solutions to actual problems in your scenarios. But never be afraid to ignore that boundary once in a while!

Anyway, I've always had a really good imagination; it's both a blessing and a curse. Writing stories becomes easier when you're a really good imaginator (I'm talking first class top level imagining here) and I've always used my alternate scenarios as either actual scenes for my stories or source of inspirations. It gets pretty crazy up in my head because I would constantly re-imagine and re-imagine a scene until I get it right, kind of like how I'm so paranoid when I write that I constantly go back and reread my work and edit and revise instead of getting everything our of me and onto the page (which is why I never finish a story that I start--grr!). I get pretty distracted and ADHD sometimes because of this, too.

The scenario-making in my head is nonstop, and I guess it has its negative consequences, but I'm still learning to control it and to not let it detrimentally affect my motor skills (I wouldn't wanna walk into a wall or anything...). But it's a party--it's supposed to be a party! And as you get older, the parties you go to and/or those you throw yourself seems like they're getting boring, but they're actually only getting more controlled and more mature. Which is good--supposed to be good.

But for now, I like this party, I like the song that the DJ's playing, and I'm just letting it all out.

I really loved...that traffic westbound was bad, but the rain made it awesome.
I smiled because...
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"...every page we took was from a fairy tale picture book. I'd forgotten how happy we'd looked..."
(Mirror Song by Alan Lastufka, Luke Conard, and Kristina Horner)
Hours of sleep last night: 3 (slept exactly at 1am...)
Times it got COLD today: 5 short moments
Friend of the day: iPod (second time now...)

--Jen :)


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