Friday, April 15, 2011

Split Infinitives

Day 15.

We're in the lab. It's family fair day, and I'm rushing this post because the lab is closing soon. Fair is about to start in a half hour or so. Debate resumes at 4 today.

Okay, I understand my last few posts are really not up to par, and I'm sorry for that. I hardly think I'm disappointing anyone though. But I promise I will make up for it later on. Pinky Promise. And we all know that pinky promises are serious, and I have and always will uphold the Pinky Promise.

Moving on, I have to go now because I still have a bunch of evidence to read and sort through before going to the fair to have lunch and a bit of fun before diving back into debate again.

And I haven't read Kendall's post for yesterday because I was so tired last night and I just wanted to really get my post over with.

As an apology, here:

I really loved...getting to wake up late.
I smiled becase...I just realized that this weekend is probably the coldest it will ever get this year. (But then I frowned because I realized that after this weekend, it might get warmer.....As we near summer, you know?)
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
Um, I hear the AC and the printers working. And debate chatter.
Hours of sleep last night: 8 FREAKING HOURS, YESSSSSSSSSS.
Times it got COLD today: A lot! As for yesterday, it was really cold, too. These past few weeks have been the coldest. I'm so thankful. :)

--Jen :)

P.S. See you all later when I'm back in the game, sane and less-stressed/busy. Thanks for understanding guys. :)


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