Thursday, April 7, 2011


Day 7!

I wasn't going to write this until later on tonight, but a recent Facebook message prompted me to post this ASAP. Unfortunately, you will not be informed of the contents of said message.

I just checked out Stats tab and views have been going up. We're hoping that view count will reach maybe as high as it was back when we did BEDA(ugust) 2010? The number to beat is 671 hits in one month, I think. We've also had quite a few comments recently. And for the poll on th side, let's welcome our newest (and hopefully now returning) visitors/stalkers: 1 new "friend," 1 new "creeper," and our first "innocent bystander"!

I was this close to typing, "Keep it up people!" but I realized that this simply would not be fair. We cannot ask you for your continued support if we do not commit ourselves to awesome/interesting/heart-wrenching/coolio/inspiring/[insert desired adjective here] posts. So from now on, we will publish post that falls in one or more of the mentioned categories for the rest of the month. And by "we," I mean "Kendall for now until April 18 after Jen's hellish weeks are over and when Jen feels confident that she can deliver said posts." I will continue to post and I will try, but don't be so harsh to punish/condemn me for not following mentioned goal. I do, however, some interesting stuff planned so watch for them.

Oh, and my mouth is still in hell. I recently got rubber bands for my braces to fix my HIDEOUS OVERBITE (which isn't really an OVERBITE because it's more of an OVER-and-a-lotta-bit-to-the-side-BITE).

So, I am off to finish my DPs and other school-ish things that require my attention.

I really loved...ramen.
I smiled because...of my Physics lab group (surprisingly, really).
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"..all I do is pray that maybe one day you'll hear my song and understand..."
(Sami by Darren Criss, Little White Lie)
Hours of sleep last night: 6 hours, 15 minutes (I overslept)
Times it got COLD today: (only) 2
Friend of the day: The 2008 APUSH DBQ

--Jen :)


  1. I'm just so J of that 2008 DBQ. and I swear it got colder more than twice. Ah-well. probably just my imagination

  2. I just edited the HTML of our blog so that we can reply to individual comments! Yay! :)
