Saturday, April 2, 2011


Day 2!

Okay just a thing: April is the busiest month for me. I have every Saturday this month filled and it's the fourth quarter and States for speech and debate is coming up and AP tests are coming at me like a herd of angry wildebeests (yes, it's spelled with two e's). And if you are one of our regular creepers who stalk this blog (hey there!), you should already know that I'm the stressed out and paranoid half of this friendship. But if you're new here, well, now you know. I will try my best to have really good posts but I apologize in advance if they're not as awesome as you expect them to be. Most of my posts will probably be about how stressed I was the whole day or how stressed I am about writing my posts or how I have so much work to do. And you'll just have to read all of it. Or not. You could just skim it. Which is why I have the TODAY... portion of this blog; that's something I've never done before and it's kind of cool, right? Right? Anyone else think it's cool? No? Just me? Oh ok.

Anyway, my Saturday. I woke up early because I had to be in school at 8am for the AP English workshop. I didn't expect that most of workshop would be, you know, work. I thought it would be mainly lecture-based. Guess I was wrong! We actually wrote an essay and did the multiple choice part of the test. But it helped. And it was cold. 'Cause it was at Seto Hall and it always gets cold in there. I wore a jacket.

I saw Kendall after the workshop. He took the National Spanish Exam today in the morning, and he probably talked about it in his post, I don't know, I haven't read it yet. I already took the test on Thursday. Anyway, he was wearing a DFTBA shirt. I have the same exact shirt, except it's huge because it was supposed to be Kendall's but it was a bit too small for him so he gave it to me. Although I swear his shirt looked like it was way smaller than my (originally his) DFTBA shirt.

Then, I went home. Nope, I lie. I didn't. I stayed in school because we had two rounds of debate scrimmages this afternoon. It was also cold in The Room. But I had my blazer so it was all good.

Anyway, instead of boring you with how the temperature went down and how I was prepared for it each time it did (which is something that I just tend to talk about, bear with me please, I'm weird, I know), what else should I talk about?

Oh! I saw that StarKid uploaded, I think, the first scene of Act 1 of their new show, Starship. I don't have time to watch it now so I think I'll wait until the entire show is online so that I can enjoy this supposedly out of this world (see what I did there?) production.

Um. What else? Geez, I am really terrible at this. I need an interesting topic to talk about every day because my life is too boring to write about. Like, I don't know, old sitcoms that we will forever love or angler fish reproduction or the invention of staplers or something. I need ideas. Give me some? Or not, that would be okay too.

I really loved...the cinnamon twist doughnut I had for breakfast.
I smiled because...Kirsten pulled a "prank" on Winney a day late. Ahhh, Kirsten.
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
" swings, it jives. It shakes all over like a jellyfish. I kinda like it..."
(Crazy Litte Thing Called Love by Queen)
Hours of sleep last night: 8.5 hours! THIS IS WHY I LOVE FRIDAY NIGHTS.
Number of times it got COLD: 3! The last time, it was FREEZING, but it could have been much colder.

--Jen :)


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