Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Day 6! First day of the final extended schedule days this year. Sadness.

Again, I apologize. This will be short.

It was a good day. Kendall and I got recertified for CPR and the use of AED. Kendall experiences slight discomfort when it comes to mannequins or dummies so it was a bit entertaining.

I also made him freak out today. I'm the VP of the SPanish Honor Society and Kendall will be inducted into the society in a couple of weeks. I told him to get ready because all inductees will be required to say a few words in fluent Spanish during the ceremony in front of the advisers and other members of the society. He started panicking. And, yes, I knew he would freak out--that's why I told him this in the first place; this is EXACTLY the kind of thing about which Kendall freaks out, and EXACTLY the kind of thing I enjoy seeing him squirm about. I extended the joke and pretended that I had to do it, too, last year when I was inducted into the society. I told him that I delivered a mini speech about how thankful I was to be recognized in the society, that I believed that I deserved to be in the society, and that I was going to use my membership in the society to help others. As expected, Kendall's panic fit only grew worse because he didn't even know how to say some of the words I used in explaining to him what I said, let alone be able to deliver them smoothly in front of an audience.

I expected him to realize that I was joking when I said, "You have to speak. Well, actually, instead of speaking, you have another choice. You can do the traditional dance and chant while holding the candle during the ceremony if you don't want to talk in front of everyone."

However, his response clearly showed me that maybe my joke had gone a tad bit too far: "But I don't want to dance! Especially if no one else will do it!"

I told him that I was joking after that but he refused to believe me. He could only ask, "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT TO ME?!"

Well, because you're my best friend. Duh. :)

I really loved...having periods 8 and 6 free on this lovely extended schedule day.
I smiled because... (Thanks Cole.)
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"So she said, "What's the problem baby? What's the problem?"...."
(Accidentally In Love by Counting Crows)
Hours of sleep last night: 5
Times it got COLD today: 5 (Thank you, Mama Nature.)
Friend of the day: Cole

--Jen :)


  1. I should be your friend of the day every day! But I have to credit Iris with showing that to me first.

  2. Here's the response to your comment, Cole. We originally couldn't reply to indivudal comments, but I thought that your indirect suggestion made sense. So I added a "Reply" button feature for comments. Thanks.
