Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I Can If I Want!

Please ignore Jen's successful analogy that basically told us that she was sad, mad, salty, and angry, she will soon get over this seemingly child-like behavior. ANYWAY, the e-mail thing from yesterday was originally just a random e-mail subject line, but I like the idea of having the one from today instead, so that is what will be happening today.

So I literally just sat here for the past 30 minutes, trying to think of something to talk about, seeing as I have absolutely no idea of what to talk about. So what I decided to do is find a random e-mail and talk about it. Hold on while I randomly select an e-mail. 
Nope, not gonna do that.

So what do I do then? I could talk about why I love math? Nah, I don't want to. I could talk about random things around my room such as the shirt that I stole from Gavin or the super weird Mrs. Potato Head that I have. Nah. 

Wow, I am SO un-insipired. I never really get inspiration, you know? I mean, I guess that there are times when I do feel inspired to do something, but it doesn't really make sense in the way that people explain it. It's not like I'm walking down the street and all of the sudden I know why we have ten toes instead of seven. No, my inspiration I get from opening up a drawer and seeing how messy it is and getting upset at how messy it is then promptly spending the next two hours thoroughly cleaning my room. There's something small and meaningful that sets it off. Not the type of thing that you would find lying on the street, but the type of thing that is personal to you. I don't know, I'm weird. 

Okay, well, sorry for the lack of substantial postificationness. Tomorrow, I promise that I will try to do better. 

Awkward Moments: 19
Pages Read: 479 (Man, I need to read more) 
Why Today Was Awesome: Didn't have to run for P.E. *W00T*
Something I Learned: Some things are heavy
Song Stuck in My Head: Something That I Want covered by Jimmy Wong
Email Subject of the Day: "I know that I'm not supposed to be in contact with Jen," (Fun Fact: There were no e-mails from this day in 2009 and in 2010, so this is an e-mail I sent to Shayne, Jen's sister, on April 27, 2010) 


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