Thursday, April 28, 2011

"Quiet Yourself, Remus!"

Yeah, okay. So I'm a failure. And huge one at that. 

Yep, It's official. JEN = FAILURE

But please, don't throw rotten tomatoes at your computer screen and yell, "[Jen], you're an embarrassment to the Wizarding world, all of [you]!!" 
(See what I did there? No? Well, click here, and start at 0:39!)

Not yet, at least.

Last night, I was working on my British Literature paper. I was really tired so, at 10pm, I decided to take a little power nap. I set my cell phone's alarm clock for 10:15pm, confident in its abilities to ring shrilly when programmed. The next thing I knew, I heard my mom hiss, "Jen! Did you just go to sleep?" Startled, I shot up and mumbled, "WhatwaithuhnoIdon'tknow?" 

The lights were still on. My mom nodded, turned the lights off and closed the door. That's when I looked at my phone. It was 2:10am. BIGGEST FML MOMENT OF MY LIFE.

I sense your anger subsiding. I also sense you beginning to understand my reason for failure. Good, good, let's build on that. Yeah, focus on that feeling for now until you're sure that you really understand where I'm coming from and all that negative energy is gone.

Ready? Well, um, yeah, I'm kinda-maybe-not-really-ish not going to post a legit post tonight to make up for it. Hold it! Before you throw anything, let me explain the deal. Tonight is a REALLY bad night. I won't go into details because I'll sound all complain-y (which I'm determined not to do despite tonight's load!), but trust me that it is. 

So this means that Friday's post will be AWESOME. My Saturday post will also be AWESOME (but it will be posted early in the day because of prom). My Sunday post (wait, Sunday post? Sunday is MAY 1!) will also be AWESOME (with updates on The List) and (there's an "and"???) my Monday, May 2nd post will also be AWESOME.

I will stay on for Official BEDA(pril) Make-Up Posts and promise you AWESOME posts. And if I don't meet your expectations, let me know and we'll make some sort of deal so I can make it up to you.

I really loved...donut run!
I smiled because...I got a Fair shirt in homeroom today but I didn't order one! I guess they had extras.
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"...even now you're undressed in your dreams with me. I'm only here for this moment..."
(Everybody Here Wants You by Jeff Buckley)
Hours of sleep last night: 6--I got 2 hours extra because of The Incident.
Times it got COLD today: 2-ish-slash-3-ish
Friend of the day: Kei :)

--Jen (no smiley face tonight because, remember, I'm a failure!)


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