Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wednesday: The Best and Worst Night Ever

Day 20? Day 20.

First off, I just read Kendall's post for today and I really liked the ending. That was really good. I feel like I have to live up to that standard now with my post. And I can't believe he kept that.

Okay, talk about coincidences. I had already picked all seven of my items for the week a couple days ago so as to save a bit of time during the week. I also already assigned each item for each day of the week and I have several pre-set draft blog posts with each day's title and item. So I thought it was cool that Cole was reading old posts during lunch time today and he briefly mentioned and asked about the Homecoming 2010 posts. And look at today's item!

I got this wristband from the Homecoming 2010 Dance in the Lower Gym on October 30? Or was it the 31st? It was at the end of October.

I wrote the words "Homecoming 2010 Dance" on the band--that wasn't there originally.

To tell you the truth, I debated whether I should keep this wristband. In the end, I decided to keep it because a Memory Box isn't really a Memory Box if all you have in there are happy memories. It's important to remember the sad stuff, too.

On the night of the Homecoming Dance, I thought that it was the Best Night Ever. In more ways than one, I still think it was the Best Night Ever. It was a lot of fun. I hadn't had that much fun at a dance in a long time. And it was the first student council dance I'd ever been to. I felt carefree and confident, something I haven't had together since I was three! It doesn't sound fun with the way I'm describing it, but it really was. It was great. But I've had better nights since then (also in more ways than one).

But Kendall and I had a huge fight the weekend that followed Homecoming Week 2010 this past October. It was our first, and hopefully, our last fight. (Wanna see our posts? Here's his and here is mine.) So the fight made it essentially the Worst Night Ever.

Kendall and I have been best friends since, if I had to pick a specific point in time, summer of 2009 (Summer of '09 SONG-WIN). And we're close. 

Something happened at the beginning of this school year--"something BIG," as Kendall described it--and I made a huge mistake not telling him about it as soon as I could. I kept putting it off, until I finally decided that he didn't need to know. I did, however, share the news with one other close friend (because I just had to talk about it). I'm pretty sure Kendall had known for quite a while that I wasn't telling him something; he just didn't know it then that it was something important. So he kept quiet about it because he's a nice guy. 

But there was one afternoon (maybe it happened before Homecoming Week, or maybe it was during Homecoming Week, I can't remember) when I was just so happy about that certain something. I was literally over the moon about it but I couldn't tell him about it because I had decided to keep it a secret from him (Why? Well, it's complicated so I won't go into that. Yeah, I know). 

The thing that ticked him off a little that afternoon was the fact that someone else knew why I was so happy. But that person was not him. Looking back, I now totally understand his position. I have never really seen him get mad before, and he wasn't yelling at me, but you could definitely tell that he wanted to do it. He was all, "I don't understand why you can't tell ME, of all people. I'm your best friend. How can you not tell your best friend something, I tell you everything..."

I had my reasons for keeping it a secret. Let's just leave it at that. 

Anyway, Kendall found out about it at the Homecoming dance. He describes it much better in his post. And the weekend was horrible and it sucked and it hurt a lot and we were sad and I cried and I NEVER WANT TO DO THAT EVER AGAIN. We were mad at each other, but we couldn't be mad at each other, and that made us even more mad at the rest of the world.

The whole issue kind of boiled down to what being best friends really meant to us. Kendall's point was that because this whole secret was important and because it was something that was a big part of my life, he had a right to know about it. I understand that he was hurt that I had told someone else something that I kept from him when our bestfriendship is much closer than any of my friendships with anyone else or any of his friendships with anyone else. And I agree that it is. But at the same time, are we really entitled to tell each other everything? I don't think there's a definite answer. Because I'm sure he has his secrets, but they're secrets that he doesn't tell anyone at all, so they don't count.

Now? He knows about everything about the big secret. And I make sure that I tell him everything. Lesson learned.

I really loved...sapin-sapin.
I smiled because...of Kendall's open mind today.
Lyrics playing at this very moment as I type this portion of the blog:
"...Now I know that I know not a thing at all except the fact that I'm yours and that you are mine..."
(Your Song by Parokya ni Edgar)
Hours of sleep last night:
Times it got COLD today: Actually, I stopped 7? See the problem is I don't know when it starts and stops being cold. What if there's, like, three minutes between when it's not cold and when it is, but because the time is so short, I count only 1 cold moment instead of 2 cold moments?
Friend of the day: Winney (I can always count on you to make, maybe not the RIGHT decisions, but definitely decisions that make me smile).

--Jen :)

P.S. I made an ideas draft--but I think those will have to wait until I finish this week's series posts.


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